Cracking ears,

Cracking ear is a relatively unspecific symptom that can occur as a normal side effect of pressure equalization in the ear, but also as a result of more serious ear diseases. The latter usually show other symptoms such as ringing in the ears , earache or fever and they urgently require a medical examination. In most cases, however, the cracking of the ears is a rather harmless, albeit extremely annoying symptom for those affected.


  • Clicking noises in the ear are often for harmless reasons
  • Symptoms and causes
  • Middle and inner ear diseases
  • Craniomandibular Dysfunction (CMD)
  • Diagnosis
  • Treatment for crackling ears
  • Help with cracking ears from CMD

Symptoms and causes

Those affected usually notice the cracking of the ears when swallowing or moving the jaw, but it can also be independent of such movements. When swallowing, the noise in the ear is often due to the simultaneous pressure equalization, in which the ear trumpet (connection between the nasopharynx and middle ear; Eustachian tube) opens briefly so that the air pressure in the ear can be adjusted to the external pressure.

Ear cracking can have many causes. (Image: bilderzwerg, Fotolia)

The short opening of the ear trumpet is accompanied by a movement of the eardrum that is perceived as a more or less haunting crack. Pressure equalization may be necessary, for example, when flying or when there are other sudden changes in altitude or changes in air pressure (for example, driving the car uphill or downhill). The pressure equalization is also clearly noticeable when diving or surfacing afterwards.

Middle and inner ear diseases

A cracking and other ear noises are sometimes as associated with disorders of the middle ear, such as a middle ear infection can be observed or a so-called effusion. Both diseases are usually accompanied by ear pain and impaired hearing.

In otitis media, fever is another key symptom, and in the case of tympanic effusion, those affected often suffer from severe dizziness . The cause of otitis media is often a bacterial infection.

A tympanic effusion can usually be observed as a result of a so-called tubular catarrh, i.e. a closure of the ear trumpet, as occurs more often with a cold, for example . The pressure equalization can only take place to a limited extent or not at all and the permanent negative pressure in the tympanic cavity leads, in the worst case, to the development of tympanic effusion.

With tube catarrh, too, a cracking sound is sometimes perceived in the ear, for example when the clogging of the ear trumpet with secretion briefly loosens or moves. The so-called hydrops cochleae (edema in the inner ear) is also known as a disease of the inner ear which, in addition to persistent tinnitus, can also lead to an occasional cracking sound in the ear.

With a malfunction of the chewing system, those affected often notice an unpleasant crackling in the ears. (Image: andriano_cz /

Craniomandibular Dysfunction (CMD)

Impairments and functional disorders of the temporomandibular joint and the masseter muscles are often also associated with a cracking ear. Actually, however, it is more a jaw cracking that is conducted via the bone to the ear. This occurs because the joint head can no longer slide smoothly back and forth in the joint socket, for example in the case of damage to the cartilage layer or osteoarthritis of the temporomandibular joint.

The Cranio-Mandibular Dysfunction (CMD) is among other symptoms such as restricted movement of the jaw and discomfort while chewing, but also with stress-related headaches , neck pain , shoulder pain and back pain associated.

Some people suffer from persistent tinnitus. Furthermore, swallowing problems are often part of the symptoms. Craniomandibular dysfunction may result in dizziness and blurred vision.


If the cracking in the ear can be observed without further accompanying symptoms, it is often extremely difficult for specialists to make a clear diagnosis. The classic approach to diagnosing ear complaints involves an optical examination of the ear canal using an otoscope after the patient has been initially asked about their complaints. If the symptoms are caused by diseases of the ear, otoscopy can usually already provide clear evidence of this.

An examination of the nasopharynx can provide clues for making a diagnosis. Furthermore, the sound conduction can be determined on the basis of a hearing test, which enables conclusions to be drawn about an existing tympanic effusion. A measurement of the mobility of the eardrum (tympanometry) also provides indications of a possibly existing tympanic effusion, since an appropriate examination reveals not only the pressure conditions but also any fluid present in the ear .

If the causes of the cracking in the ear are suspected in the area of ​​the jaw, a visit to an oral surgeon is recommended, who will take a closer look at the tooth position, jaw movement, masticatory muscles and the temporomandibular joint. X-rays of the jaw can help make the diagnosis here.

Treatment for crackling ears

The treatment of the complaints must be based on the respective causes. For example, an otitis media is often treated initially with a combination of pain-relieving ear drops, decongestant nasal sprays and the oral intake of anti-inflammatory preparations.

With the help of a hearing test, the audiologist can determine whether there is a sound conduction disorder. (Image: Kzenon /

In the case of more severe bacterial otitis media, there is no avoiding taking antibiotics. In the worst case, an operation may be necessary if the inflammation has passed from the middle ear to the so-called mastoid process of the temporal bone (mastoiditis). Another option for treating recurring inflammations of the middle ear is to use a so-called ventilation tube (also known as tympanic drainage or middle ear drainage). This tube is inserted into the eardrum during a relatively uncomplicated operation and is used to improve ventilation and drainage of secretions.

This treatment method is also used in cases of a tympanic effusion. Usually, however, the use of decongestant nasal drops can open the ear trumpet and restore ventilation to the tympanic cavity. If a bacterial infection is suspected to be the cause of the ear effusion, antibiotics can be used. Surgical opening of the eardrum with subsequent removal of the accumulated secretion is only necessary in serious cases. This applies in a similar way to the use of a ventilation tube, which should only be used if the symptoms recur.

Help with cracking ears from CMD

If no cause of the noises in the ears can be determined, impaired function of the temporomandibular joint and the masseter muscles should be considered as a possible cause, especially if those affected perceive the crackling in the ear mainly when chewing or other jaw movements. Physiotherapy treatment can be very helpful here. This is primarily aimed at relieving tension in the muscles, correcting movement sequences and stabilizing the jaw joint.

Naturopathy also offers a good option with manual methods such as osteopathy, in particular to counteract craniomandibular dysfunctions. If patients tend to grind their teeth at night, a so-called bite splint is sometimes used, which is intended to help avoid excessive stress on the temporomandibular joint and muscles.

If no physical causes of the ear cracking can be determined and / or the therapeutic measures are unsuccessful, there is the possibility of taking a psychotherapeutic approach against the cracking in the ear. For example, with the help of cognitive behavioral therapy, attempts are made to influence the perception of the cracking ears so that those affected no longer perceive it as bothersome and stressful


by Abdullah Sam
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