
Courtesy. Courtesy as an ethical and moral value must be taken into account in the modes of action of students, teachers and the general population.


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  • 1 General
  • 2 Types of Courtesy
  • 3 Manifestations of Courtesy Courtesy
  • 4 Sources


Courtesy is universal: in all societies the existence of civil behaviors that allow maintaining a minimum of harmony between the interacting people is verified .

“Courtesy is defined as a set of norms that indicate how the behavior of people should be in the society where they operate, these norms are manifested through tastes, verbal expressions typical of each culture, thus allowing a relationship based on cordiality, respect and all kinds of manifestations that lead to avoid conflict. ”

Hernández Alegría, 2011

Courtesy Types

Sociologists Penelope Brown and Stephen Levinson identified two kinds of politeness, deriving from Erving Goffman’s concept of the face:

Negative courtesy: Making a less transgressive request, for example if you don’t care … or if it’s not too much of a nuisance …; respects a person’s right to act freely. It means deference. There is a greater use of indirect elements of speech. Positive courtesy: Seeks to establish a positive relationship between the two parties; respect a person’s need to be liked and understood. The direct elements of Paul Grice’s speech, oaths, and maxims can be considered aspects of positive courtesy because:

  1. demonstrate the knowledge that the relationship is strong enough to cope with what would normally be considered impolite (in the popular understanding of the term)
  2. they articulate an awareness of the other person’s values, which satisfies the person’s desire to be accepted.

Manifestations of Courtesy Courtesy

There are several manifestations of this value, which are expressed on a daily basis in human relationships, these are: simplicity, friendship , sincerity , will, sensitivity, compassion, detachment, etc. Below are definitions of some of the aforementioned manifestations.

  • Simplicity: Simplicity: it is a style devoid of artifice, moderation in interpersonal relationships, with a great sense of humility, without decreasing the doctor, but raising it, not believing oneself above others.
  • Friendship: Friendship is a universal value. Convictions, feelings, tastes, hobbies, opinions, political ideas, beliefs, religion are some things in common that can make us become friends with someone.
  • Sincerity: It is always telling the truth. , It is a value that characterizes people for their congruent attitude that they maintain at all times, based on the truthfulness of their words and actions.
  • Will: It is the ability of human beings that moves us to do things intentionally, above difficulties, setbacks and moods.
  • Compassion: Compassion focuses on discovering people, their needs and sufferings, with a permanent attitude of service.
  • Detachment: The value of detachment will teach us to put our heart in people, and not in material things. In any situation we must eradicate our selfishness and indifference to collaborate in the well-being of others, it does not matter if there is much or little what we do and contribute, the important thing is to be aware of offering something to contribute.

Courtesy value has great importance in human behavior and relationships, human behavior in a good way; at its best it is the practical use of good manners. It is a definite cultural phenomenon. It is essential to seek the improvement of these relationships because the goal of courtesy is to make everyone respect each other, have a culture of peace in order to achieve well-being and a climate of satisfaction among people.


by Abdullah Sam
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