Corporate culture

The corporate culture is the set of basic assumptions and beliefs shared by the members of a company.

In the same way that in the towns, in the cities, in the regions and even in the countries there are different cultures, religions and philosophies of life, in the companies the same thing happens. Not all companies are equal and do not behave in the same way at all.

This way of behaving and acting, which goes beyond processes, sales promotion and production, is the business culture. The business culture represents the values ​​of the company, what moves them, which determines the relationship between its members. Regardless of whether they are their bosses or subordinates.

The culture in a company also represents the attitude of people towards work and objectives. So there are companies in which the business culture shines by its absence and others that shines by itself. An example is workers of companies that feel the company as part of them and workers of other companies that usually see it as one more job.

Elements of business culture

The most important elements of business culture are summarized in the following image:

Communication is essential as it tells us how the members of the company exchange personal and work information. For its part, shared values, ways of acting, attitude, sharing that vision of the world around us. Or, at least, share a good part of this vision. With symbols we mean those that can be materials (monuments, offices or buildings) or people (founders, exemplary directors, etc.). At the bottom, we have the experiences that determine the evolution of the business and personal culture. On the right, the work philosophy which has many things in common with values, but at the business level. And finally, the history of the company and its culture. The history of the evolution of all the above factors explains the current business culture of a company.

History and business experience

A very important point when transmitting the culture of a company is its history. Know the good and bad moments, the origin, why he was born and with what goal he was born. Culture is not born overnight, but it is something that develops and evolves over time.

It includes a set of experiences, knowledge, ways of acting and thinking. Sets that extend throughout the organization and are transmitted between one and other members of the organization.

by Abdullah Sam
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