How to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit?

Celsius and Fahrenheit are temperature units used in contemporary society. Temperature is the measure of the heat degree of an object. Units used to indicate temperature include Celsius (centigrade), Kelvin and Fahrenheit. A thermometer is a device used to measure basic temperatures. They have clear and distinct labels of degrees Celsius, indicated with ° C on one side and Fahrenheit indicated with ° F on the other side. Kelvin, although not frequently used by thermometers, is the standard unit (SI) for temperature measurement. Polar regions and countries with very low temperatures use Fahrenheit as a temperature measurement unit. States located within the tropics often use Celsius to measure temperature. However, overlaps occur when measuring temperatures in Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin. This is why it becomes necessary for scholars to learn how to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit.

Brief history of the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales

Measuring the temperature using Fahrenheit is an invention of a physicist known as Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit in 1724. He developed the scale on the basis that the lower definition point 0 ° F was a brine solution. Today the scale has two fixed points: the freezing point of water (32 ° F) and the boiling point of water (212 ° F). At the end of the 20th century, the United States and its territories used Fahrenheit as a measure of temperature. The Celsius scale, on the other hand, was an invention of a Swedish astronomer named Anders Celsius. He developed the scale in 1742, years after designing the Fahrenheit scale. The Celsius scale works with 0 ° C being the freezing point of water and the lowest point, while 100 ° C is the boiling point of the water and the highest measure. Most countries in the world use Celsius to measure temperatures.

Formula for the conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit

There is a simple formula used to convert the measured temperature in degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit. In the formula, F symbolizes Fahrenheit while C is a denotation for Celsius. So the formula is:

F = 1.8 C + 32

You can also write as:

F = 9/5 C + 32

Example of conversion

The normal room temperature is 25 ° C. The room temperature can be converted to Fahrenheit using the formula above as follows;

F = 1.8 C + 32 (this is the formula)

F = (1.8) (25) + 32 (this after replacing the value of C)

F = 45 + 32

F = 77

Therefore, the conversion of 25 ° C in Fahrenheit produces 77 ° F.

Condition for conversion

When a conversion produces decimal values, it is essential to delete the decimal section by rounding the value to the nearest whole number. The standard requirement of this conversion is to ensure that the value obtained after the calculation is converted into the same number of significant digits as the value indicated in Celsius. In addition to the conversion of Celsius to Fahrenheit, other temperature conversions that are vital to scholars include the conversion of Fahrenheit to Kelvin, Celsius to Kelvin, Fahrenheit to Celsius, Kelvin to Celsius and Kelvin to Fahrenheit.

by Abdullah Sam
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