What Are 7 Continent of The World;7 Facts You Must Know

Continent is a latin word,which means  physical geography  large tract of land which holds together or contains. The word is now used in contrast to the great oceans, and is applied only to the 7 continents, Europe, Asia, N. America, S. America, Africa, Australia and Antarctica. The continents make up 55,786,000 sq. m., the oceans 141,050,000 sq. m., of the surface of the earth. Continents are skirted by a continental shelf or terrace lying less than 600 ft below sea level and extending up to 600 m out from the coast.

 What Are 7 Continent of The World;7 Facts You Must Know

The continental slopes are one of the most pronounced geographical features of the crust of the earth and mark the true geological margin Of the Continent. The material Of which Continents are formed is not the same as the rock underlying the deep Oceans.

Asia, Africa, America, Europe and Oceania are considered as continents, and this is the model that gave life to the famous Olympic circle.

Why The 7 Continent Model Is Perfect.

Asia, Africa, America, Europe and Oceania are considered as continents, and this is the model that gave life to the famous Olympic circle.According to this model, the continents are: Africa, America, Europe, Asia and Oceania and these are the ones we find in the symbol of the Olympics.Oceania is the smallest of the continents: it is an island continent, which is constituted by a large number of islands. Most of Oceania is made up of Australia and New Zealand .

Europe is the second smallest of the continents with a key role in terms of colonization before and Industrial, Europeans over the centuries have spread to many parts of the earth by influencing other countries. Europe hosts about 11% of the earth population.

The ‘ Africa , with its many states and with a history of peoples and languages other due to long years of colonization, is at the core of the rankings of the continents, in terms of vastitità the territory. Regarding the number of the population, Africa is instead in second place after Asia.

Asia is also the most populous continent in the world : this is why we often hear about overpopulation. It is also a highly cosmopolitan continent: very different ethnic groups live in it, with cultures of different origins.

On the other hand, the four-continent model discriminates only purely from a geographical point of view: the continent, therefore, would be nothing more than a land emerged surrounded by the ocean. It is not surprising, therefore, that according to this model Africa, Europe and Asia are part of the same continent.
The four-continent model, then, divides the land emerged in America, Antarctica, Eurafrasia and Oceania.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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