The Concept of Civil Society in Islam

Civil society or civilized society is a group of individuals in a certain area who get justice and balance in terms of well-being in accordance with human nature as a servant of God Almighty who has the obligation and trust of God Almighty to uphold justice with the laws that apply in his country. In addition, the differences in tribes, races, ethnicities, ethnicities and others, do not make differences a problem in social life.

Civil society is in fact a reform of all practices that degrade human values. The civil society declared by the Prophet Muhammad is a reform of the Jahilliyah community. As it is known that the ignorant society is a society that practices injustice and denial of the dignity and dignity of humanity. The practice of oppression is systematically carried out against the poor and is a common practice.

Referring to the principles of civil society or a civilized and prosperous society built by the Prophet Muhammad SAW, it is necessary to have elements of justice, rule of law, equality (egalitarianism), pluralism (pluralism), and social supervision.

The following are some narrations that support the principles of civil society contained in the Qur’an and Al-Hadith.

  1. Fairness

In Islam it has been explained in the Qur’an and its Al-Hadith about aspects of life in society, as in QS.AL-Takaatsur verses 1-8 and QS.AL-Humazah verses 1-9 which explain about the slanderers and detractors who gather property and counting his calculations, he thought that his property would maintain it.

  1. Legal Supremacy

QS.An-nisaa verse 58 and QS.AL-Maai’dah verse 8 which explains about Islamic law, the importance of being fair to anyone without prejudice, even to those who hate us, we must be fair, because indeed Allah is All-Knowing anything we do.


3.Egalitarianism (equality)

Al-Qur’an and Al-hadistnya QS.AL-Hujuraat verse 13 which explains that indeed human beings are created from the kind of men and women, tribes, nations so that you know each other.

Of course, the difference should be its own color, so that an egalitarianism can occur, not the other way around.

  1. Pluralism (pluralism)

The awareness of pluralism should be realized to be tolerant and respectful among members who are different in terms of ethnicity, ethnicity, and religion. This attitude of tolerance and mutual respect is stated in the Qur’an, including QS. Yunus verse 99, QS.AL-An’aam verse 108.

  1. Social supervision

That openness is the logical consequence of a positive and optimistic view of human beings, that human beings are basically good, because human beings are naturally good and holy, then the crimes committed are not because of the nature within themselves, but rather due to external factors that affect them. .As the content of QS.AL-A’raaf verse 172, QS.Ar-ruum verse 30, QS.Al’ashr verses 1-3


by Abdullah Sam
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