Complex trigonometric functions

Complex trigonometric function . In Mathematics and, more specifically, in Mathematical Analysis are the trigometric functions whose arguments and results are complex numbers . It is based on the relationship between the trigonometric and exponential representations of complex numbers. It is of vital importance in the formulation of other complex functions such as: the logarithm , complex exponential functions, and others; facilitating the extension of the trigonometry concept to complex angles.


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  • 1 Definitions
    • 1 Circular trigonometric functions
    • 2 Hyperbolic trigonometric functions
  • 2 Importance
  • 3 See also
  • 4 Sources


Let the complex numbers x = a + bi and y = c + di define the following functions F (x) = y with their restrictions as complex trigonometric functions because their arguments and / or results are complex:

Circular trigonometric functions

The well-known circular trigonometric functions with real argument x :

  • sin (x)
  • cos (x)
  • so (x)
  • cot (x)

They can be evaluated on complex numbers using the complex exponential function with the following expressions:

  • File: Complex exponential cotangent definition.gif

Hyperbolic trigonometric functions

The well-known circular trigonometric functions with real argument x :

  • sh (x)
  • ch (x)
  • th (x)
  • coth (x)

They can be evaluated on complex numbers using the complex exponential function with the following expressions:

  • File: Complex exponential hyperbolic cotangent definition.gif


The law of Euler establishes an important link between trigonometry and calculus, to the associate exponentiation of the imaginary part complex with the representation of a complex whose magnitude is 1. Trigonometry complex not only extends the reach of traditional trigonometric relationships but which gives it greater significance in the calculation.


by Abdullah Sam
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