
Cold . From the Latin frigĭdus, it is defined according to the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), as the object that has a lower temperature than the ordinary temperature of the environment. It is conceptualized as an adjective property of a body , without providing a definition of the noun .

Cold is the absence of heat . Cold, therefore, is defined as the lack of chemical reactions that generate energy , also called exothermic, and that give rise to heat.


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  • 1 Cold feeling
    • 1 Regarding a body
  • 2 Refrigeration
  • 3 Internal Link
  • 4 Sources

Cold feeling

The feeling of cold is somewhat subjective and relative. In some countries cold is manifested when the temperature drops or is below 18 o C, in other regions of the globe this temperature is not considered cold.

Cold is not only low temperature, but also a matter related to the perception of an individual, and therefore subjective. For the human being, the perception of temperature is mainly based on the facility that a certain object has to extract heat from the individual, that is, that for two objects at the same temperature, a person will perceive colder to that object that has more easy to extract energy in the form of heat.

The regions of the Earth with the lowest temperatures are the poles, because in these areas fewer solar rays arrive. The lowest recorded temperature on Earth has been -94.4 ° C at the Russian base of Vostok in Antarctica .

Temperatures on planets further from the Sun than Earth are much lower. In Neptune , for example, temperatures of 55 Kelvin, about -218 ° C, can be reached.

The Boomerang Nebula is the coldest known site in the universe with an estimated temperature of 1 Kelvin, which is roughly equivalent to -272º Celsius.

Regarding a body

Regarding a body, cold refers to the fact that it has a lower temperature than the ordinary temperature of the environment: “I have cold hands” , “I feel cold, please lend me a coat”. Cold is also an adjective that is used symbolically. A cold person is one who shows indifference, detachment or disinterest for something or someone: “Manuel is very cold: he never expresses his emotions” , “I am sorry, I think I have been too cold with him”.

On the other hand, the word cold can mention what is not funny or sharp: “Your cold response has not satisfied me” , “The explanation has been so cold that nobody was moved”. Finally, the idea of ​​cold applied to sex allows people to be named who are indifferent to pleasure: “Victoria is cold when it comes to intimacy , ” “My ex-partner was very cold.”


The notion of cold is linked to cooling (the process of reducing and maintaining the temperature of an object or space), freezing (a form of conservation based on the solidification of water ) and cryogenics (a technique used to cooling temperature materials boiling of the nitrogen or even lower temperatures


by Abdullah Sam
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