Clash Royale: Quests

Introducing the quest system from the recent Clash Royale update

Quests are a new activity in Clash Royle that has replaced free chests. They are still in the quests themselves, but in a more stripped down form.

Now, every day you will receive a variety of tasks, for the completion of which you will receive rewards in the form of gold, cards, crystals and a new currency – quest points that act like a royal chest.

The more points you accumulate, the more profitable the chest you can open:

  • Gold – 50
  • Giant – 300
  • Magic – 300
  • Epic – 350
  • Legendary – 400
  • Super Magic – 500

At the moment, the game has the following tasks:

  • Using certain cards in 1v1 mode.
  • 1v1 and 2v2 wins.
  • Opening chests.
  • Collecting certain cards.
  • Request from your clanmates.
  • Using certain combinations.
  • Tasks at tournaments and other events.

Every day 2-3 tasks will be available to you. If you do not want to complete any task, you can replace it once a day by clicking on the gray cross:

At the same time, the card store has improved. It now has six slots daily, not exclusively on Sunday. You can also collect free chests in it every day, and often you come across more profitable than free ones, which is partly a compensation for the reduced opportunity. Sometimes the most profitable chests for gold appear there.

Also, daily rewards should appear in the game. If you enter the game every day, you can get a reward that will increase every day. But, if you miss even a day, you will have to start with the very first and least profitable reward.

by Abdullah Sam
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