Cheats (codes) and console commands for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

With the release of the  Anniversary Edition , marking the 10th anniversary of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim , many players have decided to return to the northernmost province of Tamriel. Of course, not in order to finally complete the main plot or the civil war, but for the fun. And we will help you with this by publishing a nostalgic list of codes.

In addition, Skyrim is not in vain famous for the abundance of bugs (of which, according to feelings, there are even more in the Jubilee Edition). So, in addition to frank cheats, we will add useful console commands that can help you out if something happens and, possibly, revive the old passage.

In the Special Edition console, you will receive a warning that the use of some cheats will invalidate your right to receive achievements on Steam. However, the community never found a specific list of such teams. However, a small part of the players still complain that they could not get some achievements after using cheats.

How to open the console in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

To open the console, you need to press Ё (or tilde [~] ). If the console won’t open, set the default input language to English, or switch to English before starting the game. This will come in handy in any case, since cheats are written in Latin anyway. When you are in the game itself, the operating system keyboard shortcuts do not work.

Cheats for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

At its core, of course, any code in the game is a console command. In this tutorial, we will use console commands for codes, which do not require interaction with the game space and additional information, and therefore are easier to use.

tgm – makes your character invulnerable (you do not take damage, do not spend mana and stamina), allows you to carry as many items as you like without a speed penalty and makes it possible to move quickly.

tcl – allows you to navigate through textures.

tmm 1 – opens all points on the map.

killall – kills all NPCs in sight (both enemies and friendly).

psb – Unlocks all spells, talents and dragon shouts.

player.additem 0000000F N – get N gold.

player.additem 0000000A N – get N master keys.

qqq – quits the game.

advlevel – raises the level (it does not add ability points).

tfc – enables free camera mode.

tdetect – turns off the sight of the NPC.

tcai – disables and enables NPC artificial intelligence.

set timescale to 0 – stops time (default is 20).

sex change – changes the character’s gender.

showracemenu – opens the character creation menu.

player.setav invisibility 1 – makes you invisible to all NPCs (to disable, replace 1 with 0).

player.modav carryweight X – increases the carrying capacity of the character by X units.

player.setav speedmult X – sets the speed of movement in X% (by default – 100).

player.setscale X – increases the growth of your character (1 – 100%, 2 – 200%, etc.).

setgs fJumpHeightMin 100 – Sets the height you jump to (default is 100).

player.setav Health X – sets the maximum number of health points in X units.

player.setav Magicka X – sets the maximum number of mana points to X units.

player.setav Stamina X – sets the maximum number of points of stamina in X units.

player.setav attackdamagemult N – increases the damage done by weapons by N times.

player.setav leftweaponspeedmult N – increases the attack speed of the weapon in the left hand by N times.

player.setav weaponspeedmult N – increases the attack speed of a weapon in the right hand and two-handed weapons by N times.

player.setav LeftitemCharge N – charges the weapon in the left hand by N charges.

player.setav RightitemCharge N – charges the weapon in the right hand by N charges.

player.setcrimegold 0 – Cancels fines for crimes.

player.addspell 00092C48 – adds the disease “Lycanthropy” (allows you to turn into a werewolf).

player.addspell 000B8780 – adds the disease “Sanguinare Vampiris” (after three days you will turn into a vampire).

coc qasmoke – moves to a test location with all in-game items.

coc riverwood – moves to Riverwood (needed to exit the test location). The city can be replaced with any other (for example, Whiterun – Whiterun).

This is how the test location looks unremarkable.

Skill Codes for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

advskill NX – add experience units to the NX skill (allows you to level up and get ability points for pumping skill branches).

player.setav NX – sets skill N to level X (does not add ability points).

player.setlevel N – sets the character level to a given value N.

It looks like this: if you want to add 100 experience points (not levels!) For the Shooting skill, write advskill Marksman 100 , and if you want the 100th skill level right away, write player.setav Marksman 100.

Skill names for the console:

  • Alchemy – Alchemy;
  • Blocking – Block;
  • Blocking – LightArmor;
  • Hacking – Lockpicking;
  • Restoration – Restoration;
  • Two-handed weapon – Twohanded;
  • Enchanting – Enchanting;
  • Change – Alteration;
  • Illusion – Illusion;
  • Pickpocketing – Pickpocket;
  • Witchcraft – Conjuration;
  • Speech – Speechcraft;
  • Blacksmithing – Smithing;
  • One-handed weapon – Onehanded;
  • Destruction – Destruction;
  • Sneak – Sneak;
  • Shooting – Marksman;
  • Heavy Armor – HeavyArmor.

Console Commands for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Commands for changing objects and NPCs

Here are the codes that allow you to manipulate in-game objects and NPCs. In order for them to work, you either need to approach them at close range, open the console and click on the object or creature with the cursor. If everything is done correctly, an inscription with the object identification number should appear.

The code after the quote is the identification number of the selected character

You can also use the prid [Object ID] code (without parentheses) instead of a cursor action . In this case, you need to know the ID of the object.

After the identification number appears on the screen (or you enter it), you can enter the following codes.

player. setcrimegold 0, and then stopcombat – the character will no longer aggro at you. If you need to “calm down” several enemy NPCs, you will have to do it for all at once, without closing the console. It works only with those who can theoretically be friendly to you (you won’t be able to turn it around with storyline enemies and monsters).

kill – kills the selected character / selected creature.

resurrect 1 – resurrects a character or creature.

resetai – erases the memory of the NPC (it will help if you screwed up the dialogue and the character no longer speaks to you, and also if the character was killed and resurrected).

openactorcontainer 1 – opens the inventory of the selected creature.

removeallitems – Clears the inventory of the specified character.

equipitem item_id – equips the selected character with the specified item (item ID can be found  here ).

duplicateallitems player – copies all items from the NPC inventory or object to your luggage.

resetinventory – Resets the character’s inventory and equips it by default.

setownership – gives ownership of the specified item.

unlock – opens the object’s lock.

disable – hides the object.

enable – shows the object that was hidden by the previous command.

markfordelete – deletes an object / character (may break the game).

This is what opening a door looks like with a console.

Commands for completing quests

Sometimes it is impossible to complete a task just because the game bugs. At the same time, information about the order will be annoyingly hanging in the journal, which, you see, is annoying. In this case, you can use console commands that allow you to track the status of quests and complete them.

showquesttargets – displays the ID of the active quest (needed for other teams).

getstage [quest ID] (without brackets) – indicates the percentage of the quest completed.

sqs [quest ID] – show a list of all stages of the active quest (needed for the next command).

setstage [quest ID] [stage] – set the stage (percentage) of completion.

movetoqt [quest ID] – move to the last checkpoint of the task.

resetquest [quest ID] – resets the passage of the quest (to make it disappear from the list, save the game and load the save).

player.completequest [quest ID] – complete the quest (do not use for tasks that are part of the quest chain).