What is fenofibrate?

The fenofibrate works by reducing levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood and increase those of HDL (high-density lipoprotein, the well-known “good cholesterol”). What is fenofibrate? Fenofibrate works by speeding up the natural process of …

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What is Phenytoin?

The Phenytoin is a medication for seizures. It works by blocking abnormal electrical activities in the brain. What is phenytoin used for? Phenytoin is used to control certain types of convulsions and to treat and …

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What is febuxostat?

The febuxostat is used to prevent gout attacks. What is febuxostat? The febuxostat works by reducing the concentration of uric acid generated by the body (derives from protein catabolism). To do this it hinders the …

Read more.What is febuxostat?