
Head . It is formed by a spheroidal framework of flat bones where very delicate organs are enclosed, such as the control, registration and data processing center called the brain . Summary [ hide ] 1 Human body 2 Head 3 Other …

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Brachial biceps

Biceps brachii muscle . ( Biceps cubiti or brachi ) is a muscle of the arm, located in the anterior and superficial region of the arm; long, cylindrical, consisting of two upper parts or heads: internal and …

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Medulla oblongata

Medulla oblongata. Anatomical structure also known as medulla oblongata or mylencephalon ; It constitutes the lowest of the three segments of the brain stem , located between the brain stem bridge or annular protuberance (above) and the spinal cord (below). On its anterior face is …

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Bronchi. Tubular structure that conducts air from the trachea to the pulmonary alveoli. The bronchi are tubes with progressive arboriform ramifications (25 divisions in men) and decreasing diameter, the wall of which is made …

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The Bronchioles are the small airways into which the bronchi divide, reaching the pulmonary alveoli. The bronchioles are located in the middle part of the lung. In our lungs we have around 60,000 bronchioles, …

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Arms are called the entire upper limb, from the shoulders to the fingers, although many authors consider the arm only what is between the shoulder and the elbow. Defining the shoulder inside …

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