
Arms are called the entire upper limb, from the shoulders to the fingers, although many authors consider the arm only what is between the shoulder and the elbow. Defining the shoulder inside the shoulder girdle and what goes from the elbow to the fingers as the forearm.


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  • 1 Bones of the Arms
  • 2 Main muscles of the arms
  • 3 Injuries and diseases of the arm
  • 4 Sources

Bones of the Arms

  • Humeral .
  • Ulna or Ulna .
  • Radio .

Main muscles of the arms

Anterior group (elbow flexors):

  • Brachial biceps . It has two portions, long and short; is the flexor muscle of the forearm.
  • Anterior brachial .
  • Coracobrachial .

Posterior group (extensor):

  • Brachial triceps . It has three parts, long, external or vast external and internal or vast internal; It is the extensor muscle of the forearm.

Arm injuries and illnesses

  • Tendinitis and bursitis
  • Kinks
  • Dislocations
  • Bone fractures

Some nerve problems, arthritis, or cancer can affect the entire arm and cause pain, spasms, swelling, and difficulty moving. There may also be problems or injuries to specific parts of the arm, such as the hand , wrist , elbow, or shoulder


by Abdullah Sam
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