
Botulism . It is an intoxication caused by Botulinum toxin , a Bacterial neurotoxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum . The route of poisoning is generally food by ingestion of poorly prepared or improperly preserved food, or it may …

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Mouth.An important part of the human body , located on the face . It is made up of soft parts ( palate , floor of the mouth, cheeks, lips and tongue ) and hard parts that are the teeth . These are placed in …

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Pulmonary blastoma

Pulmonary blastoma (BP) . It is a primary biphasic pulmonary neoplasm that belongs to the group of sarcomatoid carcinomas of the lung (SLCs). The tumor has both a well-differentiated epithelial component, showing a tubular architecture similar to a normal fetal …

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Articular Biomechanics

Articular Biomechanics . Study the movements made by the joints and the loads they support. Summary [ hide ] 1 Philosophical conception of movement 2 Concept of biomechanics 3 Factors influencing joint movements 4 sliding movements 5 Rotational movements …

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Spleen. From the Latin badius , which means reddish, also called lien or splen (from the Latin and Greek respectively), it is a lymphoid organ interspersed in the path of blood circulation, which has several functions, including defense, hemopoiesis , hemocateresis and blood reservoir . However, despite these …

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Barotrauma , also known as barotrauma, is the physical damage caused to the tissues of the body by a pressure difference between the air space inside or next to the body …

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Athetosis. Like other manifestations such as chorea , it can be caused by a large number of diseases and its presence guides the diagnosis in a certain way. Summary [ hide ] 1 Features 2 Causes 1 Other …

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