Can You Use Micellar Water as a Cleanser?

Wondering Can You Use Micellar Water as a Cleanser? Learn about the benefits, limitations, and proper usage of micellar water in this informative article. Dreaming of a simplified skincare routine? Then surely a product that claims to remove makeup and cleanse the skin in one go is a dream come true for you. This product is called micellar water. But can it really fulfill these two functions correctly? Here’s everything you need to know about its benefits and drawbacks, and you’ll discover the best products if you follow these recommendations .

Can You Use Micellar Water as a Cleanser?

Can You Use Micellar Water as a Cleanser

Yes, micellar water can be used as a facial cleanser. It’s a gentle cleansing product that contains micelles, which are tiny cleansing molecules suspended in water. These micelles act like magnets for dirt, oil, and makeup, effectively removing these impurities from your skin without the need for harsh rubbing or rinsing.

Micellar water is particularly popular for its convenience and gentleness, making it suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. It can be used in the morning and evening as part of your skincare routine. To use micellar water as a cleanser, you typically soak a cotton pad with the solution and gently swipe it across your face until the pad comes away clean. There’s no need to rinse with water afterward, making it an excellent option for travel or quick cleansing sessions.

However, while micellar water is effective at removing light makeup and surface impurities, you might need a more traditional cleanser or makeup remover for waterproof or heavy makeup. Some people also prefer to follow up with a traditional face wash for a deeper cleanse, especially if they have oily or acne-prone skin.

Does it really work?

Like any skin care product, you need to have realistic expectations when using micellar water. It is perfect for cleaning minor dirt, however, it does not penetrate the skin enough to provide a deep clean.

Some people use it primarily to remove makeup, but it often fails to remove thicker or waterproof pigments, such as mascara and eyeliner.

That is, it can be a beneficial addition to your skin care routine. But since it doesn’t get into the pores to clean them completely, it’s probably not enough as the only cleansing method.

How to use it?

All you need is an absorbent element to apply the micellar water. Cotton balls or pads are usually used. Simply soak the ball in micellar water and wipe it over your face. Try not to rub the skin, as this can cause irritation. Keep in mind that you will probably need to use more than one cotton pad to clean the skin thoroughly.

Once the cotton comes out completely clean, finish it. There is no need to rinse. Afterwards, you can use a deeper cleanser or continue with the rest of your skin care regimen.

In addition to removing makeup and cleansing skin, micellar water can be used to remove sweat after a workout or fix makeup mistakes. It’s also a great option for keeping your face clean when you don’t have access to water, like when you’re camping.

How can you integrate it into your current skincare routine?

Whether you use it in the morning or at night (or both), always start your beauty regimen with micellar water. Afterwards, use your regular cleanser if necessary. This will ensure thorough cleaning of surface dirt as well as deeper impurities.

You can opt for a double cleansing at night, when the skin is more “dirty.” In the morning, follow the micellar water or secondary cleanser with a moisturizer and sunscreen. If you use micellar water at night, continue with your usual moisturizing products and treatments, which may include creams, serums and oils.

What type of micellar water should you choose based on your skin type?

With so many different brands and formulas, choosing a micellar water can be difficult. But one thing is clear, a good product must be free of parabens, sulfates, alcohol and dyes. You should also avoid any products with fragrance or perfume on the ingredients list if you have sensitive skin.

Luckily, there are also specific formulas for specific skin types. Dry skin should choose hydrating formulas that include moisturizing properties. If you have oily or acne-prone skin, look for products that eliminate extra oil and leave your skin dull. Vitamin C, salicylic acid and niacinamide are good ingredients. If you have combination skin, it is best that the formulation is neither too greasy nor too drying.

When will you start seeing results?

Since micellar water is a daily (or twice-daily) cleanser, you should notice a difference almost immediately. If that doesn’t happen, consider switching brands.


Micellar water can indeed be used as a cleanser, offering a convenient and gentle option for everyday cleansing. Its ability to effectively remove makeup and cleanse the skin without rinsing makes it a popular choice among skincare enthusiasts

by Abdullah Sam
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