BNCC and literacy: what has changed?

The National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) has demanded profound changes in curricula, didactic materials and training of Basic Education teachers from all over the country. And with literacy it is no different, it should also be rethought due to these changes.

The aim of all these changes is that, from an early age, students develop skills, both intellectual, social, physical, emotional and cultural. That is, children and adolescents will start to learn for life and no longer, exclusively, for the test.

For this reason, ten general skills were chosen to guide the work of schools and teachers. In addition to being more effective than working with isolated content, BNCC will make the whole country speak the same language based on this predetermined set of skills and competences.

For a better understanding, see how the structure of Basic Education started to be organized from the BNCC:

Source: Ministry of Education

What has changed in literacy?

With Base, literacy becomes part of the area of ​​knowledge called Languages ​​and becomes the focus of Portuguese Language classes in the early years of Elementary School.

Reduction of the literacy period

One of the changes that most caught the attention and that generated countless debates was the anticipation of the completion of literacy for the second year of Elementary and not more in the third year, as it was before.

Among those who disagree with this measure, there is a consensus that there will be an acceleration of a process that should be gradual. This can result in difficulties for students.

On the other hand, BNCC brings a continuity of what was learned in Early Childhood Education, in Elementary School. What was considered a gap before the reform.

Development of phonological awareness

Base brings a fundamental point in the literacy process, which is the development of phonological awareness through the perception of the sounds of each word. In addition to being a positive point in oral and even written learning, the practice helps the teacher to identify the difficulties of each student more easily and think of strategies to overcome them.

Centrality in the text

BNCC expands children’s literacy  through its centrality in the text and through different textual genres. In addition to a closer relationship with languages ​​aimed at the students’ reality.

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The idea is to focus on texts from the most diverse spheres, social fields, communication and the use of language. An example is social networks. Much of the time of children and adolescents is used in this means of communication, whether consuming or producing content, why not study it from a pedagogical perspective?

On the specifics of each teaching stage:

Child education

Through playful exercises, one should explore students’ speaking and listening. Regarding writing, BNCC brings the following:

  • First, the child arouses curiosity for the written texts and naturally constructs his conception of the written language;
  • From that, one must start it in the culture of writing;
  • When you become familiar with the texts, your taste for reading, creativity and hypotheses about writing will develop little by little;
  • Finally, children start to associate writing as a way to represent their speech.

Elementary School

What was learned in Early Childhood Education should be deepened  in the first two years of Elementary School.

The purpose of literacy in this period is to make students acquire the alphabetical writing system and develop, in greater depth, reading and writing skills through the following axes:

  • Orality;
  • Linguistic / Semiotic Analysis;
  • Reading / Listening;
  • Text production.


According to the BNCC , at the end of the literacy process, the student must have acquired the following skills:

  • Understand differences between writing and other graphic forms (other representation systems);
  • Master the graphic conventions (upper and lower case, cursive and script);
  • Know the alphabet;
  • Understand the alphabetical nature of our writing system;
  • Master the relationships between graphemes and phonemes;
  • Know how to decode written words and texts;
  • Know how to read, globally recognizing words;
  • Enlarge the viewpoint to larger portions of text than mere words, thus developing fluency and speed of reading (slicing).

Tips for adapting literacy to the BNCC

As you have noticed, one of the great objects of literacy will be to awaken children’s desire to read and write and, consequently, to express themselves better. Therefore, at the same time that the teacher teaches vowels and syllables, he must insert the content within a real context that brings meaning to the student.

Likewise, it is important to maintain playful practices , including in elementary education. Without forgetting to progressively increase the complexity of the texts.

To facilitate the adaptation of literacy to the BNCC, we have separated some tips for you. See below:

  • On the website of the Movement for the Common National Base you will find guides and videos to understand BNCC in practice, as well as examples that serve as inspiration for those who do not know where to start;
  • If your school is already in the process of preparing lesson plans, you will find several examples adapted to the BNCC on the internet and, best of all, completely free. Access the website of the Nova Escola and the Digital Curriculum of the City of São Paulo and enjoy;
  • Imagine having to control all these changes on paper? A good school management system , adapted to the BNCC, will also help school managers and teachers in the difficult task of organizing the new curricular structure;
  • And to close, you will find, in our blog, a summary of how to create lesson plans according to the BNCC for Early Childhood Education or for the curriculum components of Portuguese Language and Mathematics , just to give some examples. Do not waste time and run to read what we have prepared for you!


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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