Blasphemous walkthrough and guide

How to complete a dark platformer inspired by the Dark Souls series

In this guide, we have collected tips to help you complete all the levels of Blasphemous – a rather brutal action game in the style of Dark Souls and old platformers like Metroid . The project tells the story of the Penitent, a hero who cannot escape the cycle of death and rebirth. The fate of the whole world depends on the actions of this mysterious person.

At the beginning of the game, rest at the altar, which functions similarly to bonfires from Dark Souls (revives enemies, restores health, healing flasks). Upon death, you will return to the last activated altar.

Brotherhood of Silent Sorrow

This is a teaching level. Go forward until you face the boss.

How to defeat the Guardian of Silent Sorrow

A very simple battle. The Guardian uses only one attack, and can cause damage in two ways: by landing on you while jumping or by hitting with a candlestick. By the way, after the candlestick hits the ground, a shock wave will spread. Jump over it, or even better, use a simple tactic with the Shift key.

Your first opponent

Roll to the side to avoid the boss falling down. Attack a couple of times, then use the slide to move behind the enemy and thereby avoid being hit by the candlestick. Attack him until he jumps. Repeat actions until victory.

Further you will run into the door, which can be opened with the key for the elder brother’s chamber. Jump up and hit the counterweight above the grate.

Sacred Path

Follow the location, killing various enemies. Use parry (J key) in battle against enemies with wheels. Also free the Moonchild (1/38) by jumping up and hitting the cage. This is a collectible.


Inside the building, talk to Torso. He will ask to bring some herbs. At the very bottom there is the Mea Culpa altar, where you can spend the collected points to improve your character.

Wasteland of burnt churches

Go outside and go right. In the next building, go down to the very bottom and turn left to kill a powerful enemy. You can’t roll behind him, so attack, run back and jump. This will get you to the loot on the side of the thorns (on the other side, you could not approach it). Follow further, in a jump, destroy another cell with the Moon Child (2/38).

Move to the right from the next building to find yourself on the bridge. Go outside, take a running jump over the abyss and fight the enemies. You can kill ordinary martyrs even without parrying or dodging. Hit the enemy with a large column 2-3 times, then dodge (Shift) in the opposite direction. After killing everyone, go to the building.

Dreams of mercy

Enter the room just below, on the right, to see a large altar. You can buy various improvements near such frescoes. The way down is blocked by a grate. The room on the left has a save altar. Walk right. Here you will meet new enemies with candlesticks. When they see you, they make a sharp forward attack. Just jump up and then attack your opponent.

You do not take damage by being near an enemy and touching it.

Cross the spiked segment. Bend down under the second. So you can return to the previous corridor, but you will already be on the other side of the grate. Jump up and hit the mechanism on the ceiling to open the grate.

Go down even lower, you will again run into the lattice. Follow the right, where new opponents will appear – ghosts. They shoot balls that you can dodge. Moreover, if you hit first, you will interrupt the attack of enemies. Going down even lower, go to the right and get a new item from the chest. Now you can use prayers (Q key), which consume mana (blue bar under health).

Follow the left. Use dodges to prevent the enemy on the throne from hitting you with a lance. Hit the flying cage while jumping to free the Moonlight Child (3/38). Exit into the corridor and open the grate at the top. On the left, there is a locked grate and a rift in the wall leading into a room to a merchant.

You can buy the key to the Big Brother’s chamber from him.

If you return to the “Sacred Path” location and open this chamber, you will gain access to a sacred relic. Place it in the slot to see hidden paths.

Go back and go right. Before going through this large room, we recommend that you go up and save at the altar, restoring health and flasks. Walk across the room and go downstairs. To the left of one of the stairs there will be a wall and a golden bowl. Destroy it to remove the wall and get to a useful loot – an empty vial that enlarges the local Estus Flasks. Talk to the girl and save at the altar. You can accept the girl’s help or refuse. Better agree to make the boss fight easier.

How to defeat Tena Piedada

Go to the room on the right if you want to play a little more on this level, or to the hall on the left, where a boss fight awaits you. He has several attacks.

  • When he crouches, he hits with his hand. Jump up or dodge back.
  • If he stomps his foot, there is a chance to roll over to the other side of him. After kicking, two roots will appear from the ground.
  • If the boss faces you and spreads his arms, then after seconds 3 roots will appear. Run away from them with rolls.
  • Towards the end of the fight there will be more roots (six).
  • The girl will restore your health, but she will do it with a certain pause, so be careful.
  • Another attack of the boss is thorns, which he spits in front of him. And if at first he spits out only one thorn, then later – three. The thorns turn into growths that cannot be stepped on.

After the victory, go left to pray at the corpse of the saint. At the new location, run to the right and get a sacred wound of small repentance.

Corrupted cistern

Follow the left. Go to the room on the left where you will meet an unknown person. After the cut-scene, the maximum health reserve will increase. Exit and go up. Follow the left. A monster with a cage will fly at the top. Climb up the stairs and jump down, destroying the cage and freeing the Moonlight Child (4/38).

Such statues will increase the maximum supply of HP

In the room to the left, you cannot pass, since the poison will kill you. Jump to the right and up the stairs. On the right you will see an enemy with a blue banner. It is he who summons exploding sinners. Kill to prevent enemies from spawning.

Follow up and to the right. This path leads back to the passed area (allows you to create a short route to the wall opening leading to the merchant). Go back and climb to the very top. At the end of the room to the right, if you jump across the red platforms, you can find an empty flask. Go back, slightly lower and to the left. There is gas in the room on the left, but it can be bypassed on top. Do so. Climb quickly up the stairs until you are hit by a poisonous drop. Jump to the left. Climb higher along the ledges. Jump along the bloody ledges that will appear alternately. In addition to loot, you will find a short route back to the “Wasteland of Burnt Churches” location. Go back to the place where the red platforms appeared.

Run to the left, without turning anywhere, and you will find yourself in a new location – “Mountains of Endless Twilight”. Remember this place, we will come back here later.

Back out and head up the stairs. You will find yourself in the Albero level dungeon. There will be a slot in the wall leading to the crypt. Stand in the center of the location to automatically place all the found parts of the people.

Crypt where you place the found body parts

Walk to the right and head down the ledges and stairs. Go to the first room on the right. It is filled with poison. There is a lever here. Pull on it. Also free the Child of Moonlight (4/38). And above and to the left of this room there is a passage by the stairs. There will be a chalice that will increase your maximum mana.

Follow back to the place where the red platforms appeared (where there was a way up into the wasteland of burnt churches). Go down the left side to the very bottom and enter the room on the left. There will be an altar with blood. Use it to fill the found empty flasks and increase the number of Estus Flasks.

Mountains of endless twilight

Follow the given location on the left. Learn about the new mechanics here. In addition to crumbling platforms, loose walls will appear. You can cling to them by holding the attack key (K). A little later, a powerful enemy will appear, although he uses only two attacks – either causes lightning charges (one or more), or attacks dashes forward. Hit him in a jump until he flies away. You will have to inflict about 20-25 hits. Go left, talk to the elder and go downstairs. If you destroy several stone statues holding thick chains, you can get a reward from the old man (when the platforms to his left begin to move).


Get down below and kill the enemy with the bell. Thanks to this, the rest of the bells will stop ringing. Pull the lever and use the platforms to climb higher. Deal with one more enemy with the bell and jump up the stairs. There will be a save point at the top.

Follow the left and go down. There will be a closed lattice on the right, and a mechanism above it. Jump up and hit the bell. It will ring, activating the mechanism and lifting the grate. Do the same on the next segment, but this time jump on the moving platform, hitting the left of the two bells.

Game funded on Kickstarter

Keep moving through the level. Be sure to activate each lever. An empty flask can be found on the right side. You can also find a bundle from the branches of the rose garden. In the end, you must go to the left and find yourself under the brotherhood (the first location). There is a candle and a strange creature in the upper left room. Give him the rosary bundle to unlock a new rosary slot.

In another room to the left, just below, there is a portal. With it, you can quickly move between different locations. There is a Mea Culpa mural in the lower left room that will unlock new skills.

Among other things, a ranged attack will appear, which will free even more children of Moonlight.

Climb to the very top, enter the door and overcome the obstacle course. Finally, hit the counterweight to get to the beginning of the game.

In Albero, the healer needs to give a bunch of rosemary. If you have one, then do it. You will receive tears of redemption. From Albero head right through the wasteland of burnt churches. Don’t turn anywhere and you will get to a new location …

Passion Bridge

Follow the bridge to the right, however you cannot open the bronze door. We need to find all the faces (we found only one item).

Where the olive trees dry

To get to this location, go to the place shown in the screenshot. In the room to the left, you can find a garlic for burning. Follow to the new location on the left side.

Mountain peaks cemetery

Follow up and up. Use currents of wind to jump onto opposite walls if the distance is too far. The flow of wind will allow you to jump up to many wooden walls. At the very top, go to a new location.

Monastery of our mistress with the face of the scorched

If you go down to the very bottom along the wooden platforms, you will find an elevator leading back to the cemetery of mountain peaks. There is a niche with a merchant in the passage to the right. The second elevator leads even lower, to the Albero location. This way you will create short routes. Follow the top to continue the story. In the end, you must get to the new altar, restoring the bile flasks. Ask the old woman for help, and then go to the right to the boss.

How to defeat our Lady with a burned face

During the fight with this boss, you have to jump attack the open part of the brain protruding on the forehead. Sometimes the boss will be lower, so it will be enough for you to hold W, standing under the forehead. Dodge multiple attacks. Run away from purple rays, avoid electric balls. But you can hit the orange spheres with your sword. Towards the end of the fight, the enemy will get the second palm, and things will get a little more complicated. However, if you do not deviate from the previously created tactics, then problems should not arise. After the battle, go right to another saint. You will visit a familiar location and receive a sacred wound of regret.

Walk even further to the right, chat with the unknown, and then pull the lever to create a shortcut back. In the room to the right, there is another Mea Culpa altar that unlocks new skills.

Return to the place where the sanctuary is located and where you fought the first boss of the game. From the sanctuary, go right to find yourself in a new part of the level.


Return to the Hondo location. If you destroyed all the statues that held the chains, then in the upper part of the central room (see screenshot), find other statues under the urn. While jumping, hit the urn to fall to a new location.

Rise of hardship

In the lower right corner of the level, you can meet a woman who will agree to help in battle. Accept her help and follow to the right.

How to defeat Tres Angustias

You will need to fight three opponents. Study their attacks carefully. The difficulty in battle is also caused by the constantly rising fire, which is why you have to move upward non-stop. As soon as you understand the principle of behavior of opponents, you can destroy each of the sisters.

After the battle, follow to the new saint on the right side. You will receive a sacred wound of true repentance. If you managed to collect all three sacred wounds, then you will see a video. Go right and call the elevator. Do not rush to climb: in the room to the right, you will receive another health improvement.

Passion Bridge

Go across the bridge, at the end of which the door opened. However, here you are attacked by a new boss, which you may have seen earlier.

How to defeat Esdras of the Anointed Legion

  • When the enemy spins and sparks, you should jump over it. At such moments, don’t even try to tackle!
  • Also, stand between the glowing beams to avoid being struck by lightning.
  • If the enemy is not spinning, then you can tackle to dodge a normal blow and be behind him.
  • Get one or two hits maximum to ensure timely dodging.

You will receive an item – a taranto about my sister.

The courtyard of silent steps

After passing through the gate, rise even higher and meet the very stranger. Get to the next level, passing a difficult section with many spike traps.

Mother of mothers

Move in a straight line after killing enemies.

Three word knot

Activate the new altar and walk right past the man standing by the tree. You will return to the “Mother of Mothers” location. Immediately go down to the new one.

Library of refuted words

Walk down and head right to find the teleport. Follow now to the left. Using the levers, move the platforms with stairs and get to the door on the left. Activate the altar. Chat with the man on the left to find out what he needs. He asks to drown out the sound. The path in the picture below leads to the Sleeping Sails location. You will have to solve some simple puzzles with levers and ladders.

Sleeping sails

Follow the right and go down. Go left and look for a passage with a crack, behind which is a merchant.

The merchant will sell the Inquisitors’ Key for 9999.

Return to the main path of the level and head right without going down anywhere. You will find yourself in a room with pendulums, and you will need to climb the platforms, avoiding them. Having done this, follow to the right and chat with the woman to enlist her support in the battle with the boss. However, do not rush to go to the boss. Return to the left and jump to the ledge to the left to find the altar of conservation in the next room. Further to the left is a room with a huge painting of a cow and the Moonlight children. When you collect everyone, then return to this place.

How to defeat Esposito, the heir to abdication

In a battle with this enemy, you will have to show all your skills to correctly perform dodging. You can attack either the head of the snake, or its middle, lighter part. Dodge flying acid drops and fireballs. Also, don’t get stuck in one place, as the boss can hit you with his pointed tail. Walk right and return to the library. Take the elevator and in the room on the right you will find the engraved mask of the Baptism. And in the room on the left there will be an altar that allows you to improve skills.

The roofs of the archcathedral

Return to the location “Mother of Mothers”, follow all the way to the right, up, left and slightly below. This path will take you to the roofs of the Cathedral:

Save at the new altar. It’s useless to go left, so head right. Follow the rooftops to the right until you reach a room with an elevator of three statues. Place on the statues the engraved Epiphany mask that you received for killing Esposito. Walk right, kill the enemy and get the mark of the first refuge. Follow the right and go upstairs, clinging to the wooden walls at the left side of the location and avoiding the projectile. At the very top, hit the counterweight to get rid of the grate above.

Get down to the very bottom and follow the left to find a room with an altar of conservation. Go left and take the oily heart from the woman’s hands. Pull the lever in the altar room and go down below.

Mother of Mothers

You will again find yourself in a familiar location. Destroy the cage with the Moonlight child on the left side, go down a little lower and jump to the left, avoiding the candlesticks. After reaching the left edge, go upstairs and go to the room on the left. Activate another save altar, climb higher and talk to the woman before the boss fight.

How to defeat Melquiades, the excavated archbishop

Jump to the left and go to the location to the boss.

  • In order to damage the enemy, you must make him go lower. To do this, attack the hands holding the archbishop.
  • At the beginning of the battle, it is enough to destroy only a few hands, but the less HP the boss has, the stricter the requirements will become.
  • In the end, you will need to destroy each hand in order for the enemy to sink lower. When this happens, run up to his skull and attack with whatever you have.
  • Avoid attacks with your hands and staff.
  • Also, stand between the pillars of light to take minimum damage.

After the victory, go left and pick up the disfigured mask of Orestes.

Walk left and pull the lever to lower the ladder, creating a short path. Go back to where you talked to the female assistant, climb to the very top and find a room with a new fresco Mea Culpa. Level 5 skills are now available to you!

The roofs of the archcathedral

Return to the elevator and install the second mask. Pull the lever once to go up a bit. Walk to the right and kill the enemies to get the mark of the second refuge. There used to be a grate here, but since we have destroyed the counterweight, it will be possible to go to the right. Climb up the platforms and walls to destroy the other counterweight and open the grate on the third floor.

Return to the elevator and go even higher. Follow the left, jump over the abyss and use the altar of conservation. Go even more left and you will find a teleport. Move now to the right of the elevator and kill the enemies on the familiar bridge to get the mark of the third refuge. Follow even more to the right, since you destroyed the counterweight minutes earlier. Use another Mea Culpa Altar to unlock Level 6 skills.

Wall of Sacred Prohibitions

Go to the elevator and go up to the second floor. Follow the left without turning anywhere. Behind the spiked area where you need to ride on the platform, you will find a passage to a new location. Defeat two familiar monsters, then activate the first save altar.

Moving around the prison, you will find grates to which you need the keys of a layman and a scribe.

There will be turnkey doors for the Inquisitor, which could be bought from a merchant. However, they are optional and not needed for the plot.

You will find the key of the layman without much trouble. The scribe’s key will be more difficult. After going down the corridor, go right and you will see two sets of chains. Pull the lever to go up on the right platform. Pull the lever again to slide down. In the middle of the level, jump to the left where the enemy with the whip was, and quickly jump onto the rising platform to the left. This will lead you to the back room with the scribe’s key.

When you find the key, then start to open the still unexplored doors, until you reach a room with a grate on top and loot on the right. Stand in the center so that the floor falls through. You will find yourself in a room with a new boss.

How to Defeat Kirs, Returned by Flame

Fighting with the enemy, use jumps when he makes a dash, and rolls to dodge a flying sword and other projectiles. After winning, you can walk left and talk to the man. Go upstairs, you can pray on the left. Walk right and hit the counterweight. Walk to the right, jump across the wooden bridge and take the loot. This will be the key to the high mountains.

Follow back through the doors, go over to the right and go outside, where you were before. Follow the right and hit the counterweight to create a shortcut to the save altar. Move left and use the key from the high mountains.

Monastery of our mistress with a scorched face

Go left and increase your maximum health in the back room. Pull the lever to open the stairs up and down. Go upstairs and pick up the Dophos mirror mask. Return to the elevator, install the mask and go upstairs (if you have collected all three masks).

How to Defeat Chrysantha, Child of Agony in Wraps

In a battle with this enemy, your reaction and parrying attacks play a huge role. You can parry almost any Krisanta attack. Especially at the beginning of the fight. Even when it spins in the air and then flies sharply in your direction. Parry blows for your character to counterattack. At the same time, you should not hit Krisanta when she holds the sword in a defensive position. After a while, the Chrysanta will begin to disappear, and then move linearly along the surface or diagonally descend from the air. At these moments you should dodge using Shift. After the victory, try to finish off Krisanta, but she will disappear.

Deambulatory Center of His Holiness

Go right, save and talk to the woman. She will not be able to help in battle, but will give you a new prayer. We recommend using it in the next battle!

How to defeat His Holiness Eskribar

During the fight with this boss, you should get close to him as soon as possible and attack him with a sword or ranged weapon. In the case of a successful prayer of Exribar, one of the symbols appears next to him: yellow, purple, white or green.

Yellow symbol – fire shells will fly.
Green – acid shells (you can beat them off with a sword).
Purple – cursed projectiles. They will fly alternately up and down. Bend down, then bounce and repeat.
The white symbol notifies that the wind will appear and lightning will strike. As always, a luminous haze is visible in the place where the lightning strikes.

You can attack Exribar even during its turn, but only if there is no protective sphere around it. Try to carry out the battle with as little casualties as possible, because then you will face a battle with the final boss.

How to defeat the last son of Miracle

In a battle with this enemy, real damage can only be inflicted on the face. To do this, you need to attack the eye on the sword so that it disappears. While there is no sword, the face above is open. Jump along the platforms that appear and hit him. Repeat actions avoiding different attacks. After defeating the final boss, you can find out the ending of the game. If your character is too sinful, then he will not be able to climb the mountain, but simply drown in the ashes of sin. This is a bad ending. But how do you get the best one?

How do you get a good ending?

It is worth noting that even if you saw a bad ending, you can reboot right now, before the fight with the final boss, and fulfill all the conditions to get a good one. You will have to destroy all the statues that removed your guilt.

Step 1: turn flawless beads into a weight of true guilt

The Flawless Bead is one of the rosary components you can find to absorb all guilt in the event of death. The bead is located in the Brotherhood of Silent Sorrow area, next to the statue that expiates the guilt (see the “legend” of the map to see the correct marker). Take a bead, set and die 3 times. Each of your deaths will lead to the bead changing its shape. After the third death, it will become the weight of true guilt.

Step 2: destroy the guilt-relieving statues and pass the test

There are several such statues on the map. Instead of using them, you must destroy the statues. There will be a red circle on the ground. Put on the weight of true faith and be able to interact with these red circles. Each red circle is a portal to a dream room. Complete challenges in these rooms to light up the area. Thus, we are looking for a statue, destroy it and go through tests. There are seven such statues in total.

Step 3: defeat the final boss

Having done all this, return to the boss and defeat him to see the true ending.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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