How to boost the immune system through diet?

Our immune system is very complex, it is made up of a network of cells, molecules, tissues and organs that work together to protect the body and respond sensibly to our lifestyle, for this reason it is important to always take care of our diet, whether there is a pandemic or not. .


The importance of micronutrients in the immune response

Micronutrients are vitamins and minerals, substances that the body requires in very small amounts, unlike the so-called macronutrients, which are proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

Micronutrients such as zinc, selenium, iron, copper, vitamins A, B-6, B-12, C, E, and folic acid (vitamin B-9) play important roles in the immune response.

Poor nutrition due to insufficient energy or micronutrient intake impairs the immune system, suppressing immune functions that are essential for protecting the body. This is observed even in mild malnutrition, for example, in people with deficiencies in only one of the aforementioned micronutrients.

In the world we live in, we are exposed to many poor quality foods, low in nutrients and vitamins, so we must learn to eat better, for example, buy less processed food and consume more natural foods rich in nutrients.

 The role of our microbiome in the immune system

The microbiome is made up of billions of microorganisms or microbes that live in our bodies, mainly in the intestines and that play a key role in maintaining a healthy immune system.

The diversity of the microbiome declines as a person ages, helping to explain why the immune response varies with age and why maintaining a healthy microbiome throughout life is even more necessary.


One of the key aspects is the link between the composition of the microbiome and inflammation, one of the most potentially dangerous immune reactions, because it damages the lungs, arteries and other vital organs.

Diet plays an important role in determining what types of microbes live in our intestines.

The best way to increase the diversity of the microbiome is by eating plant-based foods, which are rich in fiber, and limiting processed foods, including junk food.

Foods that contain live microorganisms beneficial for health (probiotics) are also important in keeping your microbiome healthy.

We must remember that to maintain a healthy microbiome, it is advisable to avoid alcohol, excess salt, sweets and sugary drinks, and artificial sweeteners or other additives.

Can a Food or Supplement Boost Your Immune System?

Simply put, you cannot boost your immune system through a specific food, and consuming a particular food or supplement will not prevent you from contracting an illness caused by viruses or bacteria.


Eating a healthy, balanced diet that includes fruits and vegetables provides all the necessary nutrition and is a key component of a healthy lifestyle, playing a vital role in an effective immune system.

In cases where it is not feasible to meet dietary recommendations, supplements are a useful way to help meet our nutritional needs.

Learn more about this relevant topic during the current Covid-19 pandemic

If you want to learn in detail the role that vitamins, minerals and probiotics play in the immune system, we recommend the course The 10 Nutrients Your Immune System Needs, taught by Dr. Valeria Collado, nutritionist. In this course you will not only learn about the functions of each micronutrient, but also the recommended amounts and sources of these nutrients in the diet.


by Abdullah Sam
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