5 Benefits of Sharing Your Writing For Writers And Students

Here is Great Benefits of sharing your writing with your peers can be a nerve-racking experience. Even professional writers sometimes get nervous when reading their own work allowed to others:The truth is, though, writers need an audience. They need some-one to respond to their writing, letting them know what makes sense,with expresses genuine thoughts and feelings, and what is unclear.

Group Advising Guidelines And Great Benefits of Sharing Your Writing

Some of you might belong to writing groups, so you already know the value of writers sharing their work. If you don’t, start by working in small teams of two or three classmates. The following guidelines will help you get started.

Role of the Writer-Reader

Come prepared with a meaningful piece of writing. (Make a copy for each group member if this is part of normal group procedure.)

 Introduce your writing. But don’t say too much.

Read your copy out loud.

Listen carefully and take brief notes as the group reacts to your writing. Answer all of their questions. Don’t be defensive about your writing, since this will stop some members from commenting honestly about your work.

If you have some special concerns or problems, share these with your fellow writers.

Role of the Listener-Res ponder

  1. Listen carefully as the writer reads. Take notes if you need to. Some groups just listen and then do a free writing after the reading. Other groups use a response sheet as a guide when they react to a piece of writing.
  2. Don’t be afraid to share your feelings about a piece of writing.
  3. Keep your comments positive and constructive.
  4. Ask questions of the author: “Why? How? What do you mean when you say ?”Also answer questions the author might have for you.
  5. Listen to others’ comments and add to them
  6. Seek the help of your writing group throughout the writing process. It is especially helpful to get advice early, after a first or second draft.

Making Helpful Responses

Make Focused Comments

The most useful responses are focused and specific. They give a writer information he or she can use to improve the writing. Here are some examples:

  • Your opening makes me want to know more about your science Teacher.
  • It isn’t quite clear to me why the tigers are endangered.
  • That phrase “snaking into the room” stuck in my mind. I could really picture that.
  • I love the way you kept the ending a total surprise.

Ask Good Questions

  • The best questions are those that cannot be answered with a simple ; r no. Instead, they really get a writer thinking and talking about ms : r her work.
  • W I heard the word “special” a lot. What was it that actually made your trip so special.
  • What is  the strongest point you want to make in this paper?
  •  If you had to describe your main character in three words, what would they be?
  • A feel-good comment like “Great paper!” may make a writer feel good, but it doesn’t give any clear direction for revision. Be sure that you give the writer information she or he can use.
by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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