What Is BCG Vaccine;Reaction,Side Effects,And Contraindications

BCG vaccine is indicated for the prevention of tuberculosis.It is usually administered soon after birth.This vaccine is part of the basic schedule of vaccination of the child.It prevents tuberculosis mainly severe forms such as tuberculous meningitis and miliary tuberculosis.

how BCG Vaccine works


BCG Vaccine Reactions?

The BCG vaccine may cause some reactions. One of these are ganglia and abscesses in the skin and underarms. In addition, the bacillus of this vaccine can spread throughout the body and lead to lesions in different organs. It is important to report any adverse reactions to this vaccine.

The BCG vaccine is composed of bacteria of the Mycobacterium bovis BCG strainwith diminished virulence (Bacillus Calmette-Guérin), which stimulate the body to produce antibodies against this disease.The vaccine is made available by the Ministry of Health and is usually administered at the maternity ward or at the health clinic. In hospitals or private clinics the vaccine can cost $ 90.00.

How To Use BCG Vaccine

The BCG vaccine should be given directly to the upper layer of the skin by a physician, nurse or trained health professional. Generally, for children under 12 months the recommended dose is 0.05 ml, and for adults and children over 12 months of 0.1 ml.

This vaccine is always applied to the right arm of the child, and the response to the vaccine takes 3 to 6 months to appear and is noticed when a small raised red spot appears on the skin, which develops into a small ulcer and finally a scar. Scar formation indicates that the vaccine was able to stimulate immunity in the baby. In addition, in some cases throughout life it is necessary to take a booster, especially for people who have had prolonged contact or coexistence with those infected by tuberculosis.

Possible Side Effects Of BCG Vaccine 

Usually the tuberculosis vaccine does not lead to side effects, however, swelling, redness and tenderness, swelling of the lymph nodes, headache, muscle soreness may occur.

BCG Vaccine Contraindications

The vaccine is contraindicated for preterm infants or less than 2 kg, and it is necessary to wait until the baby reaches 2 kg for the vaccine to be administered. In addition, people with allergies to some component of the formula, congenital or immunodepressed diseases, such as generalized infection or AIDS, for example, should not take the vaccine.If the woman is pregnant or breastfeeding, has a serious health problem or is on treatment with some medicines, she should talk to her doctor before starting treatment.

The Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine is primarily used to prevent tuberculosis (TB). Here’s a tabular guide to explain how the BCG vaccine works:

Aspect Description
Type of Vaccine Live attenuated vaccine. Contains a weakened strain of Mycobacterium bovis, closely related to M. tuberculosis.
Mechanism of Action 1. Initial Response: Upon injection, the vaccine strain is taken up by immune cells (like macrophages).
2. Immune Activation: The immune cells present the antigens from the vaccine strain to T cells.
3. Memory Cell Formation: T and B cells form memory cells, providing long-term immunity against TB.
Route of Administration Intradermal injection, usually in the upper arm.
Immunity Development Takes several weeks to develop immunity post-vaccination.
Effectiveness Varies; more effective in preventing severe forms of TB in children, such as TB meningitis, than in adults.
Duration of Protection Long-lasting, but exact duration can vary. Some studies suggest protection can last for 10-15 years or longer.
Side Effects Mostly mild; can include soreness at injection site, mild fever, or swelling. Rarely, severe reactions can occur.

This table summarizes the key aspects of the BCG vaccine, including its type, how it activates the immune system, administration details, and general effectiveness. It’s important to note that the effectiveness and duration of protection can vary among individuals.


The BCG vaccine acts by stimulating the immune system to mount a response against Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacterium that causes TB. By initiating a cellular immune response, forming granulomas, and inducing long-term immunity, the BCG vaccine contributes to the prevention of TB. While its effectiveness may vary, especially in adult populations, the BCG vaccine remains an important tool in the global effort to eradicate tuberculosis.

by Abdullah Sam
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