Barrel (Geometry)

Circular barrel . Domed container, with a circular base, made up of wooden, metal or plastic slats used to store olive oil , olives , wine , rum , etc. or transport said liquids.


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  • 1 Mathematical criterion
  • 2 elements
  • 3 Volume
  • 4 Other barrels
  • 5 Sources

Mathematical criterion

With a criterion of mathematical studies, the circular barrel is the surface generated by the rotation of an arc of circumference, the axis of rotation can be the diameter parallel to the chord that joins the ends of the arc, or it could also be a parallel chord to the string supported by the bow.


  • Base or minor circle

It is the one that corresponds to the circle linked to the circumference that generates either end of the arc, its radius of rotation being the distance from the point to the axis. Its diameter is designated by d.

  • Greater circle

It is the one that corresponds to the circle linked to the circumference that originates the midpoint of the arc (end of the sagitta). Its diameter is designated by D.

  • Height.

It is the string of the generating bow; it is also identified by the distance between the ends of the arch. It is designated by h.


  • V = 0.262h (2D 2+ d 2 )

Other barrels

Barrel built in natural wood, by means of staves joined and secured with iron rings, wood, etc., and the ends closed with boards.


by Abdullah Sam
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