What is bacteriosis? Here we are going to tell you!

Bacteriosis or bacterial disease of plants is one that is caused by bacteria. It is a disease caused by very small pathogenic microorganisms, imperceptible to the naked eye. These invade the plants, placing themselves within their tissues and causing damage created by the toxins of their metabolism.

Although the symptoms of bacteriosis are diverse, they all coincide in a series of common features such as, for example, the presence of smelly and rotten spots. Infections caused by bacteria in plants generate damage to the leaves and stems, transforming several plants into damaged specimens.

Also, bacteriosis can spoil the fruits and leaves of vegetables, legumes and fruit trees , which makes them unusable to consume or sell.

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How is bacteriosis transmitted?

Bacteriosis can occur through contaminated seeds , but the greatest contamination can come from soil bacteria that are spread by wind and rain, as well as by contaminated tools, insects, clothing, and so on. The bacteria penetrate the plants through stomata of the leaves, precisely through the wounds generated in the plants by the attack of insects or the labors of work.

Bacteriosis is usually very resistant and, therefore, remain numb for a long period of time when the weather is dry, but when the humidity increases as well as the temperature, the bacteria are activated again causing the infection.

How to prevent bacteriosis?

Bacteriosis prevention focuses mainly on making use of reliable seeds that have previously been disinfected, as well as removing any material that might be infected from the ground. It is essential to avoid any type of wounds in the plants so that these are not the entrance door of the bacteria.

If there are affected plants in your garden or garden, discard them and eliminate them, and treat the rest of the plants with systemic bactericidal fungicides , to prevent infection. On the other hand, it is extremely important to control the humidity so that it is not too excessive and that the water is not flooded, since this combined with an appropriate temperature can lead to the development of bacteria. It is for this reason that the sprinkler irrigation system is not recommended.

To avoid excess moisture, it is essential that the plantation is not very thick and that there is also no excess of nitrogen, since this can generate favoring the appearance of bacteriosis. The crop rotation is also interesting, since by alternating crops sensitive to a certain disease with non-sensitive crops, you can keep this disease caused by bacteria at bay.

How to treat bacteriosis?

Apply systemic fungicidal bactericides , especially those that contain copper. Make several applications and see changing products in each of your plants. When applying them, you should keep in mind that the treatment must reach the entire crop properly.

On the other hand, the use of insecticides, whether chemical or natural, could help eliminate insects involved in bacteriosis . However, unfortunately, no treatment is totally effective to eradicate this bacterial disease, so prevention remains the only effective method to avoid it.

Some species that attack plants are: Xanthomonas, Erwinia, Corynebacterium, Pseudomonas and Agrobacterium. In case of serious infection, the only effective thing will be the removal and destruction of the plants completely.

by Abdullah Sam
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