Avorion Cheats for PC

Space science fiction games are already quite complex. If to this is added an open world with a random procedural system and a module of blocks to shape ships of all types, the difficulties reach maximum levels.


  1. Tips for PC and Mac
    1. Game codes
    2. Commands for the server
  2. What is Avorion about?
    1. Your goal in the game
    2. Choose your role and start playing

Tips for PC and Mac

The Avorion developers are fully aware that it is not easy to achieve a good level in any game. Thus, they have chosen to make things easier for gamers with a series of tricks that you have at your entire disposal. Introducing them is easy through the video game’s own chat.

Game codes

While playing you can write the following tricks to perform the actions that we describe in each of them:

/ give XY credits: Give the player whose name you enter in X the amount of credits added in Y.

/ give XYZ: Trick similar to the previous one, although in this case the letter Z defines the type of mineral that will be received.

/ help: Ideal code for beginners, since it displays help messages.

/ save: Skip the normal save procedure and directly save the game right at the current point.

/ suicide: Your ship will be destroyed immediately.

Commands for the server

The following commands can only be executed by an administrator of an Avorion server:

/ stop: Regardless of the progress of the game, the server proceeds to stop.

/ version: Finds the version that currently has the server in question.

/ admin –a X: Replace the letter x with the name of the user you want to make an administrator.

/ admin –r X: Change the X depending on the administrator from whom you intend to revoke said privilege.

/ ban X: If any player does not behave as he should, bané him with this command, writing his name in Xs.

/ banip X:  Same effect, although you must replace the X with the IP address.

/ unban X: Remove the prohibition of access to the server to any user, adding it in the X.

/ unbanip X: It obtains an effect identical to that of the previous trick, substituting the unknown for its IP.

/ whitelist:  Accesses the list of users who, for one reason or another, cannot be banned. That is, they enjoy immunity.

/ blacklist: A list of banned players appears on the screen.

/ seed: Shows the current seeds of the server.

/ w X:  Change the unknown x for the user to whom you will send a completely private message.

/ kick X: In this case the X will indicate the player who will be expelled from the game without applying any prohibition a posteriori.

/ status: You will find out numerous data related to the server.

/ difficulty X: Change the X from -3 to 3, thus altering the difficulty of the game.

/ port X: Defines the server port.

/ public X: Sets whether the gaming room will remain publicly accessible.

/ listed X: Similar effect, but if you apply the command additionally the server will be shown in a public list.

/ save-interval X: The number you enter will mean the time that will elapse between one save and another.

/ server-name X: Enter the name of the server in Xs .

/ galaxy-name X:  Choose what name the galaxy will receive.

/ max-logs X: Establishes the number of informative files the server can host.

/ collision-damage X: From zero to one change the unknown to define the level of damage received when colliding with an element of the scene.

/ exit-on-last-admin-logout: Automates the server shutdown to occur just after the last administrator leaves the game, thus preventing other gamers from playing at their ease without any control.

/ infinite-resources X: From now on the resources will be infinite. Keep in mind that the code applies equally to one hundred percent of players, without making any distinction between them. Therefore, it is a command with which you have to be very careful, since for obvious reasons it adulterates the game experience.

/ max-players X: A limit of online players applies.

/ same-start-sector arg: If you activate the command, all gamers will start their game from the same sector.

What is Avorion about?

A special and spatial sandbox. It’s time to explore outer space in this sandbox loaded with details and possibilities. Delve into the galaxies, choose your role and start building .

Your goal in the game

In Avorion we will begin to build on the edge of the galaxy and we will have to advance on our own way to the core. To do this, you will build spaceships thanks to the resources that you gather throughout your raids. You will have to fly over the galaxy, explore and, above all, fight to survive.

Although the game may seem simple at first, the difficulty will increase exponentially as we get closer to the core. Tensions will rage, but the rewards for surviving will also be more interesting.

Choose your role and start playing

Avorion gives you the opportunity to choose between various roles depending on what you want to do in the adventure.

You can become a mercenary to fulfill objectives of protecting people in need or ending large hordes of enemies. You can also get into the shoes of explorers to travel to the limits of the galaxies, become a miner to enter the asteroid fields, be a trader and make deals with other players, even illegal ones, or build your own fleet to lead it towards epics clashes.

You will have the possibility to customize your ship with all kinds of detail: add cutting-edge weapons, lasers, and any other resource to kill your enemies. And once you’ve done that, don’t forget to steal their loot .

The possibilities of this title extend even more the multiplayer game: join your friends to destroy enemies or to win PVP battles . You can also raid them to rob them and sell their items in the Black Market.

The conquest of space is waiting for you … now you just have to accept the challenge

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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