Resident Evil 3 Remake Cheats for PC, PS4 and XBOne

Although it was difficult to reach the height of the remakes of the first and second installments, this reinvention of Resident Evil 3 has garnered good reviews from the specialized press and players in general.


  1. Cheats for PC, PS4 and Xbox one
    1. Weapons with infinite ammo
    2. How to kill a lot of zombies
    3. Trick to liquidate Nemesis
  2. What is Resident Evil 3 Remake about?
    1. History
    2. Aesthetic changes
    3. Gameplay
    4. Multiplayer mode

Cheats for PC, PS4 and Xbox one

Some aspects are quite different from the original, exemplified by the stellar appearances of Nemesis , but it is a must-have title for fans of the saga. You are one of them? In this case you can make the most of the remake with various tricks.

Weapons with infinite ammo

One of the main characteristics of Resident Evil, except for some more action-oriented installments like the fourth, relates to the scarcity . Virtually all items are in short supply, from healing herbs to, of course, bullets and cartridges.

However, in Resident Evil 3 Remake there is a trick to get weapons with unlimited ammunition . Complete the game first, a task that should take approximately six to seven hours. Keep in mind that all difficulty levels are valid, including the simplest ones.

After achieving it, with a final battle that we will delve into later with another trick, you will have access to a shop. Among the various items available there are mainly weapons. And it is not for less, since when you buy them you get them with unlimited ammunition .

What to do if you don’t have enough money to buy it? Check out the list of merits you haven’t unlocked yet . We refer to certain tasks that, when carried out within the game, are rewarded with exchangeable points for items for sale.

When you get the necessary figure, you will be able to obtain not only the classic pistol, but also other highly useful weapons, standing out above all the extremely powerful rocket launcher with which it will be easy for you to liquidate the undead.

If there is no way to get the merits, especially those that force you to accumulate deaths with weapons, do not hesitate to apply a very useful trick . It basically consists of loading the last checkpoint that was saved.

Without going into spoilers, we can only say that it is an area infested with enemies. Whatever the difficulty you face, you will have a multitude of creatures in front of you with which to destroy the weapon in question. In this way, achieving the merits later interchangeable in the store will be a breeze .

How to kill a lot of zombies

Sooner or later you will be able to get hold of one of the weapons that have unlimited ammunition. Any of them will be ideal to unlock other internal achievements of Resident Evil 3 Remake. One of the most complicated invites you to annihilate an immense number of zombies.

The area described above is good for this, although it is especially intended for when your ammunition is still limited. If you already have it infinite, do not hesitate to go to another level with much more activity from the enemies.

Specifically we refer to a section of the part in which you handle Carlos. Her name is ‘Defend Jill’. There will come a time when Tyrell will suggest that you use a detonator, which will allow you to keep moving forward. However, you shouldn’t .

This will allow the zombie hordes to constantly regenerate. The developers were fully aware of this little ruse, so they limited the presence of undead. That is, when you have killed many, they will stop appearing.

No problem: reload the game and go to the same point. Zombie kills will continue to add to your scoreboard, making it quick and easy for you to achieve said kill merit.

Trick to liquidate Nemesis

When you face Nemesis for the last time, you will immediately notice that it is the final battle . Several setbacks add up to a considerable difficulty: the great mobility of the creature and the presence of several zombies that will chase you to hunt you down.

You will manage Jill, while Carlos from a privileged position will inform you  of the movements of Nemesis. What is the problem? Mainly how long it takes to tell you where it is.

The final boss will move through several platforms marked with a number . When Carlos tells you the number and you take notes, it is probably too late and, therefore, you will not be able to shoot the electrical part in time that will make the beast fall.

That is why you should apply a trick . Move around the stage to lure the undead to your position. When they are in a corner, run to the other part of the map to have about a minute without being besieged.

At the same time that you are avoiding Nemesis, wait for him to return to his usual circular route and keep your eyes on him without having to worry about the zombies . This way you will be able to know in which number it stops and shoot the two electrical panels without difficulties.

What is Resident Evil 3 Remake about?

Go back to Raccoon City. RE 3 Remake is a new version of the same game that was released for the PSX in 1999. If you couldn’t play it at the time, or if you want to see how this title moves with new technologies , you should try it.


Resident Evil 3 Remake follows the adventures of Jill Valentine as she tries to survive the zombie attack that has unleashed in Raccoon City.

But, in addition to these undead, they will also have to face all kinds of biological threats , such as dogs, lickers and the tireless Nemesis who will aim to destroy each and every one of the members of STARS.

Aesthetic changes

The first noticeable change that we will discover with the Remake is its perspective in full 3D. The viewing format is like carrying a camera on your shoulders, giving the impression that events are happening at high speed .

Some settings in the game have also been altered, even missing. There has been harsh criticism from the Community of users in relation to the suppression of everything related to the plot of the Clock Tower.


Zombies are now more capable, they can pass between unsafe areas, open doors and it is no longer so easy to kill them. The damage they receive is cumulative: in such a way, if we shoot or hit them, they will accumulate these damages, being clearly seen.

As we could already do from RE4, it is also possible to hit the zombies instead of just shooting or stabbing them.

Multiplayer mode

The multiplayer mode of RE3 is Resident Evil Resistance: It comprises a game system in which 4 players will face off against one who will act alone and will be the mastermind of the entire plot.

RE3 Remake is a title that really pays off.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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