Aurora egido

Aurora Egido (Molina de Aragón, 1946). Degree in Spanish Philology from the University of Barcelona.

Biographical data

(Molina de Aragón, 1946). Graduated in Spanish Philology from the University of Barcelona (where she obtained her doctorate with a thesis on 17th century Aragonese poetry and culteranism, (directed by José Manuel Blecua ), she is Professor of Spanish Literature at the University of Zaragoza, and previously a professor at the University of Barcelona, ​​Autonomous University of Barcelona and León. Lecturer in Spanish at Cardiff University and London University (Westfield College), Visiting Professor at the University of California (Los Angeles) and Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore). Distinguished Professor at the University of New York (CUNY) and Professor at the University of Cambridge, she has also been Vice Chancellor for Humanities and Foreign Courses at the Menéndez Pelayo International University.

Director of the “Baltasar Gracián” Chair and Counselor of the Fernando el Católico Institution of Zaragoza, Full Member of the Royal Academy of Nobles and Fine Arts of San Luis and Corresponding Member of the Royal Academy of Good Letters of Barcelona.

He has received the distinction of the Academic Palms from the French government. Honorary President of the Spanish Emblematic Society and founding member of the Siglo de Oro International Association, the Cervantists Association and the Center for Humanistic Studies. She was elected a member of the International Association of Hispanists on the Executive Board. From the Founding Board of the Center for the Edition of Spanish Classics.

He chairs the Editorial Board of prestigious international magazines. Among them: Hispanic Review, Hispanic Research Journal, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, Criticón, Rivista di Filologia e Letterature Ispaniche, Golden Age, Voice and Letter, Calamus Renascens, etc.

He has attended, presenting papers, numerous congresses, and lectured at Universities and Institutions in Europe, the United States, and Latin America. Among other places: Harvard, California, Chicago, New York (Fordham), Cambridge (Emmanuel College and Fistswilliams College) Universities, La Sorbonne, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Florence, Venice, Padua, Buenos Aires, Carlos V de Ghent Chair, Institute Cervantes from Vienna, Berlin, Wolfenbüttel, etc.

He has published more than one hundred and sixty works, including books and articles, dedicated especially to Spanish literature of the Golden Age, on topics of literary history, literary criticism, emblematic and textual criticism. A good part of them has focused on the history of literature in Aragon.

Among the books, we highlight: Aragonese poetry of the seventeenth century (culteran roots), Silva de Andalucía (studies on the Baroque), Frontiers of poetry in the Baroque, Cervantes and the doors of sleep (Study on «La Galatea», « Don Quixote ”and“ el Persiles ”), Calderón’s great theater: Characters, themes, scenography; The rose of silence (studies on Gracián); The faces of prudence and Baltasar Gracián and Humanities and dignity of man in Baltasar Gracián.

Among the editions: Juan de Moncayo, Rimas; Miguel de Dicastillo, Aula de Dios, Cartuxa Real de Zaragoza; Pedro Soto de Rojas, Paradise closed for many and Disillusionment of love in rhymes; Calderón de la Barca, La fiera, el rayo y la piedra; Baltasar Gracián, El Politico, El Héroe (1639), the autograph of «El Héroe», El Discreto, and so on.

His long academic career has been recognized, first in his land, with the Medal of the Cortes de Aragón in 2005; and at the national level, Aurora Egido Martínez was awarded on March 12, 2009 with the Ramón Pidal National Research Prize in the specialty of Humanities.


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