While moving along the canal, we talk to the glove Khraz and admire the local scenery. As soon as the boat stops (after talking to Sechenov), we go ashore and move to the right. You can linger to talk to different NPCs. For example, the telephone booth on the left side will allow you to earn a hidden achievement. We go forward and turn under the arch of the building on the right side. After listening to Tereshkova, we move to the memorial, where you can linger and study the alternative history of that time. We turn around and move along another passage until we find the entrance to the laboratory. We show Tereshkova the pass, go inside, listen and pick up the neuropolymer lying on the table. We use the scanner, then exit the building and continue moving along the only route. Once inside the building, we go up the elevator and talk to the Twins. They will give you the car key. We leave the building and get into a black car.
Vavilov Complex
We move along the road, killing enemies with our first melee weapon – the “Swedish” axe. At the end of the road we hear a voice from the street toilet – we open it and watch another video.
We get out of the fallen elevator and climb up the boxes on the right side. We pick up the red valve, and there, if desired, we find a chirper. There are about 90 chirpers in the game, so finding them all is quite a task (but it is connected with achievements). We go back and use the valve on the door (just interact with it). After the video, we go forward and look into the room on the right side. This is a rest room . Such rooms are used for saving, usually they have Eleanor terminals (we will find them later) for upgrading, crafting, as well as chests with some new drawings.
We return to the corridor and kill the first serious enemy – a whole lab assistant. We dodge powerful blows when a red marker appears on the enemy. To do this, use the Shift key. We can carry out our powerful blows – hold down the RMB, and a force sensor will appear. In the room from which the lab assistant jumped out, we find another chirper. Hold down the F key to automatically collect loot from the boxes that Nechaev is looking at. On the table is a terminal with the Demos OS. Such devices will have various messages that complement the lore of the game. We can read it. We go out into the corridor and go into the room on the right side. There will be another chirper and an enemy here, whom Khraz will offer to sneak up on from behind. We do this to study the stealth kill system. We loot the rooms, go outside and examine the room on the right. The door is locked – we pick the lock by moving Khraz’s wires with the mouse. You can not hack, but crawl into the room through the hole in the room on the right side. On the table in front of which was the robot (when we killed it stealthily), we find a chirper. In the main corridor, we kill two lab assistants. On the table in the center is a chirper. Also look into the toilet on the left side to find the fourth chirper in the far booth. We go to the end of the corridor and watch the video.
We destroy the new lab assistant who shoots a laser beam. He has much more HP, so we act slowly: we dodge blows and counterattack at the right moments. After defeating Vovochka, we examine the lock. Click your fingers on the LMB so as to push all the electrical components inside the lock. Nothing complicated, although at first glance the system is incomprehensible. We go to the end of the corridor and interact with Eleanor to study her menu. Here you can buy new skills for neuropolymers, spend resources on weapon upgrades, craft new weapons or other equipment, disassemble unnecessary things to get parts. The most important thing is that you can return all the resources or neuropolymers spent in full, so feel free to experiment with weapons and skills! We continue the passage of Atomic Heart on the StopGame.Ru website.
Save and exit through the door on the right. There is a chirper on the box ahead. Exit through the double door and examine the elevator. Go through the door on the other side and examine the lock at the very end. To open it, you need to find a unique key. Return to the elevators and go up the stairs. Go through the door and study the information about the “Romashka” surveillance camera. You shouldn’t get too hung up on distracting the camera. Immediately immobilize it with a stun gun by pressing the V key. Kill the lab assistants, and destroy the cameras if desired. In the room on the left side, we find a cookie, which is what we need to pick the lock. In the far room to the left of the pit, you can find a chirper and loot. Return to the lock and open it. Study the relay on the wall and rotate it so that the color of the laser beams matches the receivers. Go into any elevator.
Having climbed up, first we go through the door on the right side and search a couple of rooms. In the rest room there will be a blueprint for shotgun shells. After that, we move along the marker and shoot the taser at the magnetic module above the locked door. Having opened it, we destroy three enemies ahead and turn into the tunnel with funiculars on the right side. We move through it, bypassing the funiculars, and jump into the polymer below. Having floated through the polymer, we examine the locked control cabin. We shoot the taser at the magnetic module above the door, go along the left wall and examine the piece of paper on the ground. We remember the code, return to the cabin and enter it on the lock. We get into the funicular and watch the cut-scene.
We destroy two lab assistants and jump onto the yellow crossbar on the left. We jump onto the pipe, and from it — even further. We go forward, but do not hurry, because a huge worm will appear. When it breaks a hole in the wall on the left, we move there. There is another talking corpse on the floor. We climb into the ventilation in the wall opposite and climb forward. We pass through the rest room and watch how the lab assistant kills a person. We go through the rooms and find “Eleanor” between the laser grid. We buy an upgrade for protection and move through the laser grid. We go down to the common room and watch the video.
We destroy all the enemies and go up the stairs in the other part of the hall. Below, near the dome with Birch, we can find a chirper. We go into the room on the second floor and climb through the ventilation into the next room. We pick the lock on the left side, pick up a Makarov pistol from the floor, find a chirper and a candle on the table. We move the candle to the door through which Petrov escaped. We install it on the left and enter the room with loaders. We go out into a large hall with shelves, go down and look for a polymer, with the help of which we can climb up. We kill the enemy behind the shelf and pick up a flask with lunar soil. We clear the entire floor and install the flask in the device in the room with red lighting. We need to find two more flasks. We pass through the room with the polymer opposite the room with the puzzle. We examine Eleanor to get the second flask. We also interact with the terminal to make the first energy weapon. We climb into the ventilation and find the third flask with soil. We return to the control room and install all three flasks.
We move through a large warehouse, kill all the enemies and enter the elevator, calling it with the red button. At the top, we go to the rest room, exit through another door and jump to the left. We move up the platforms, kill the enemies and break the door in the building on the right. We go through it and climb to the roof of the building using the lift. We slide down on the cable and jump into the polymer. Once inside the warehouse, we find Petrov and watch the cut-scene. We break the door, near Petrov we find a candle and another chirper. We go back and install two candles in the indicated points. We wait for the doors on the left and right to open. We continue the walkthrough of Atomic Heart on the StopGame.Ru website.
You need to find four flasks with polymer. Wait for one of the two side doors to open. You can visit the algo shop and the hot shop in any order. I’m not sure how it works, but the door may not open for a long time. In this case, walk around the room. Enter the gray corridor and after turning left, pick up the chirper from the box. Turn right and go to the landing. Immediately pick the lock on the door ahead to create a shortcut back. Go down below and go to the boiler room. After killing all the enemies, inspect the boilers. They need to be cooled. Find the cryogenic elements and carry them into the next room, where there is an inlet bell. Throw three candles one by one, moving them with telekinesis into each boiler. In the same room, find the chirper. Having cooled three boilers, we go up the stairs, enter a huge thermal shop and climb onto the platforms to find the first flask with polymer. There is also a chirper lying around here. We go back and install the flask.
We go to the algo shop through the same door. We destroy the infected – people who were revived by sprouts. We clear the long corridor, go to the very end and open the door on the left side. By the way, infected will appear, shooting fire or poison. After the cut-scene with the Hedgehog, we go into the room on the left to save, and go to the common room. We climb to the upper platforms and pick up an empty flask. We jump forward to the terminal and install the flask. We pick up the chirper from the floor, then climb up with the polymer to the indicated point and press the red button. While we are moving on the platform, we activate four devices with a shocker. In the middle of the way, you will have to go down to the side platform and solve the wall puzzle with a relay. Having done this with four devices, we go down and pick up the second flask.
We leave the algoshop through the marked elevator. We install the second flask in the right slot. As a result, a passage to two other workshops will open. We move along the only path and remove the metal shutters with telekinesis. We find a ventilation in the room and climb into the room we just saw. We clear it out, we can find a chirper on one of the tables. We use the ventilation in the far part. We go into the room with cows, pigs and chickens. We turn the valves, one after another, and make sure that they are all turned clockwise until they stop (if against, turn again). When the door opens, we go to the large algoshop and go upstairs. We complete the puzzle with the relay on the wall and activate the polymer collection. We destroy the enemies, especially the sprouts that stop the fans. When the polymer is collected, we take the flask and leave this place through the door in the control room. By the way, there is a chirper lying on the floor below, near the control room and the corpse.
We move along the only path and destroy the robots. At the end there will be a black lab assistant. We pick the lock, go down and talk to the scientist. After the cut-scene, we enter the next room, pick up the chirper and go down. We kill all the enemies and find a large yellow tank. We jump on the platforms, having climbed up to them by the stairs near the tank, and turn the panels on which the tank stands with the remote controls. We move it through the next room and so on until we return to the very beginning. In the far room, there is another chirper lying on the floor. Another one will be at the penultimate remote control as we go back and move the tank. We watch the video. We move through the tunnels where the tank was and kill the big kultysh and other enemies. We go up the same stairs and return to the beginning. We insert the last two flasks and leave this place by elevator.
The Village of the Forester
After exiting the elevator, go to the vending machine and upgrade your gear. Save, then go upstairs and search the room. When you’re ready, exit through the front door. A cutscene will start, showing a small village above the complex. There are many cars, red “Bees” with cameras, and small robots with chainsaws instead of heads. Once the scene is over, go outside. Keep in mind that Bees with cameras work the same way as Daisies. Be careful, as they are very difficult to spot, and bright daylight makes it difficult to determine the color of a flying drone. Trying to destroy all the Bees is not worth it – the factories will produce them endlessly. We continue the walkthrough of Atomic Heart on the StopGame.Ru website.
Once you’re done exploring the area, head forward to the main road. You can explore this village and gather any supplies you need. There are several Chirpers nearby, including one in a small playground in the northeast corner of the area and another in a barn in the southwest corner. There are cameras and enemies scattered throughout. Stealth is very difficult and enemies are hard to spot, so use the scanner as much as possible. If you need it, look for a rest room in the northeast corner of the map. Head there to upgrade your gear and save your progress. When you’re ready, head to the quest marker. It leads to a locked gate that is monitored by two cameras. As you get closer, Nechayev will realize that he can’t open the gate without access to a special “Volan” system that allows him to control the security cameras.
The objective will update. Look for the large tower to the west of the gate. Once there, you’ll find that the waypoint is pointing to a tower next to a large red building. If you’re looking for loot, head inside and loot whatever you can find, then exit and return to the tower. Walk across the supports and stand on the orange platform at the base of the tower to automatically rise to the top. Once inside, face the white cylindrical object next to the window. Try interacting with it, but access will be denied. Additional permission required. You’ll soon be contacted by Baba Zina, who claims to have the codes needed to access the cameras. Grab the Chirper lying on the mattress behind you, then head down to the base of the tower. Once at the bottom, head east, up the hill to the large farm at the top. Interact with the washbasin.
Interact with the washstand and watch the cutscene with Belyash appearing. You won’t have to fight him yet. Go up the stairs and enter Baba Zina’s hut to watch a long cutscene. When it’s over, Baba Zina will leave a gift on the table. Go up and take the codes from Volan. You will also receive the Dominator weapon blueprint. If you have the necessary resources, you can craft the Dominator right now. Otherwise, talk to Baba Zina. You can talk about various topics. Say goodbye and go outside.
Exit the hut and return to Volan, which you climbed earlier. Once inside, you can use the terminal to connect to all available surveillance cameras (highlighted in yellow). Click on the yellow circle near the gate. Look at it and press F to open the gate. When it is open, go down, go outside the village and move forward along the road. You can linger and explore all the buildings that you find along the way. There are no collectibles in them (at least, I did not find any chirping or talking corpses).
Basically, you have to go through a long and winding path until you get to the Lesnaya monorail station. You can go in the red car, but keep in mind that the car can explode after a few collisions. Once inside, follow the quest marker. It will lead you north, where there is a tunnel barricaded by wrecked cars. Follow the road to the right. There will be houses and buildings on the left and right that you can search for resources.
First, there is a small farm that you will find after going down a country road. Destroy the robots and go inside to find a green chest with loot and a diagram of a weapon handle. The second place is a building opposite the train station. There is a lot of useful loot inside. Through the back door you can get to the kitchen and find a polymer leading to the upper floor. This is where you will have to come according to the plot. We continue the walkthrough of Atomic Heart on the StopGame.Ru website.
Once you’re done, head to the train station. Climb up to the upper platform and enter the train through the open doorway. There’s a robot bartender to your right. Talk to him and he’ll confirm that he can start the train if you have a ticket. That’s the next objective! So, you need to find a ticket for the train. After talking to the bartender, head back outside. Hraz will tell you to interrogate the corpses outside. He’ll mark four corpses as bodies you can interact with. Head to the monument southwest of the station. Talk to the corpse to get a ticket. Return to the robot and give him the ticket, but he’ll tell you that it expired a few hours ago.
You need to find another robot. Go to the large building opposite the station. Go through the back door and use the polymer to get to the second floor. Interrogate the corpse to get a monthly subscription. Return to the robot and give it the item. Sit at the table and watch the cutscene.
After the cutscene, you will have to defeat a new version of the lab assistant who uses a stun baton. The battle will generally seem the same as against the regular lab assistant, but this robot does more damage in close combat, is better protected, uses a stun baton, and uses a ranged attack. After taking a certain amount of damage, the lab assistant will activate an energy shield. To break it, attack the enemy with your most powerful weapon. He will not take damage, but the shield will gradually be destroyed. Aim for the orange spot in the center of the shield. Once the enemy is defeated, it is time to catch up with Stockhausen.
It is worth noting that from this point on you can visit the training grounds. These are small underground complexes where you can find blueprints for upgrading weapons. It is not necessary to go through them, so we will not describe them in this guide, but I strongly recommend going through at least a few. In a separate guide, I will consider the passage of each training ground. When you are ready to continue the story, go to the exhibition complex southwest of the monorail station. When you get there, Nechayev will run into locked doors, so you will have to look for another entrance. The route you will have to take is not so clear. First, you need to land the local Vulture. Having done this, we will be able to climb on it and go down the cable to the territory of the exhibition complex.
But first, you need to climb Volan, located near the lake to the west of VDNKh. Its location is marked on the map, and there will also be a marker indicating the correct path. When you climb Volan, as you did in the village above Vavilov, interact with the control panel and connect to the surveillance camera on the pier. Look at the Volan control room and hack it, then go down and follow the pier. Enter the cabin and use the terminal inside. Select the first option (later the second will be available, which allows you to disable the Griff for a long time, as a result of which cameras, robots and other security systems in the region will be disabled). Hraz will inform you that the Griff has descended for a short time, so quickly run to it and cling to the yellow pipe. As soon as you do this, the Griff will rise into the air. When it stops, 2-3 cables will appear. Use the one that allows you to descend to the point indicated by the marker. We continue the walkthrough of Atomic Heart on the StopGame.Ru website.
And here it is, the battle with the first serious boss. After we get to the arena, do not rush to the center. Instead, go to the main gate and look for a save point and the Eleanor terminal next to it. Before doing anything, check for the Slime Type and Second Dash upgrades. Both are in the Character tree. Slime Type neutralizes any damage from an enemy attack while dodging, and the other skill will provide the ability to make a second dash milliseconds after the first. If there is Dominator, be sure to equip and strengthen it. The weapon does a lot of damage, energy is restored over time. When you are ready, go to the center of the location and interact with the marked place. As soon as you do this, Hedgehog will appear, rolling around the perimeter of the arena before jumping to her feet and starting to fight up close.
First, don’t try to shoot the Hedgehog while it’s invulnerable. It’s hard to hit it while it’s moving, bullets will do minimal damage, meaning your ammo will be wasted. Instead, dodge attacks or lure the Hedgehog into the huge structures that rise from the ground. The vulnerable state is when the Hedgehog is lying on its stomach with glowing elements sticking out of it. Moreover, you can continue to dodge and lure the robot into the rising structures, since they not only stun the boss, but also cause serious damage.
With each hit taken, the Hedgehog will become more aggressive. The two main attacks the boss uses are a ground slam that creates a large shockwave in the form of an expanding laser ring, and a laser projectile shot from anywhere on the map.
Without the Slimy Type ability, it will be difficult to avoid damage. Conversely, with this ability, you do not need to jump over the ring. Instead, it is enough to make a well-timed dash, which will allow you to avoid any damage even when in contact with projectiles.