What is Argentine Tango Dance?

For many, the country of Argentina is synonymous with tango dance and tango music, which have been popular there for over a century. The beautiful and distinct dance has been constantly altered and improved, but has not lost its identity and its Argentine roots. The dance arose from the poor and disadvantaged areas of Buenos Aires and spread rapidly in Europe mainly as a dancing couple. Despite the efforts of the conservative group to get rid of the dance in 1955, it gained even more popularity in the 1980s, becoming one of the most popular dance styles in the world.

  1. Overview and features –

The Argentine Tango dance is a social dance that accompanies tango music. It is an energetic, playful and passionate dance involving two dance partners which is a great potential for connection and expression. It is referred to as a passionate dance due to the close connection between the partners of the dance floor. The Argentine Tango dance is characterized by the desire to listen and talk with the dance partner. It involves both the leader and a follower. The leader offers an invitation to the follower through the hug as the follower decides how to accept the leader’s invitation. Both maintain a harmony and a connection during the dance.

  1. Origins –

In the 1800s, Buenos Aires was a hot spot for many immigrants who were visiting Argentina, especially from Europe and Africa. Immigrants found themselves alone and depressed in the city because they could not get a real outlet for entertainment. They began to meet in clubs and bars mixing their different cultures with local Latin music and producing a new musical style they called tango. A new social dance developed from the new style of musical mix. Initially, the dances were inspired by the sexual tension between revelers and prostitutes and therefore involved emotional nuances with sensuality as a key component.

  1. Dissemination and development –

The dance of the Argentine Tango began in the 19th Century among groups of immigrants who met in clubs and in the joints for entertainment. They quickly fused their styles with local Latin music to form the tango music that gave birth to the tango dance. Tango made its way to Europe in the 20th century when it was adopted by the upper class. In America, it was introduced in the 1920s through the movie “Horseman of Apocalypse”. He mixed with other styles of social dance and inspired some of the Hollywood theaters. It developed into a simple set of coded moves. The tango dance has evolved into a more open position and distinctive body lines. It is now a dance ball popular in most countries for both recreation and competition.

  1. Notable professionals –

The tango dance has long been popular with dancers in Argentina and other parts of the world. Some of the most important tango dancers in the golden age include Carlitos and Rosa Perez who were legendary teachers in several clubs in Buenos Aires. Most of the World Tango Championship winners have taken lessons from them. Other tango gurus include the Rodriquez family, the Misse family and Carlos Rodriquez and Brigita who teach the tango dance in the Baltic and Eastern countries. Carlos Gavito, who starred in Forever Tango, is credited for having invented a tango dance in which both partners lean against each other more than the traditional tango.

  1. Greater importance and inheritance –

Tango is now an international dance form performed in almost every major city in the world. Many people think of dancing when tango is mentioned. Tango is more than just a dance but it teaches a lot about how people can grow individually and in a relationship. Posture helps dancers become more intimate and connected to their partners. The tango dance can also cure problems that are not known. The tango dance has also influenced some of the modern films, including “Assassination Tango” (2002), “Take the Lead” (2006) and “The Tuxedo” (2002), among other films and television programs.

by Abdullah Sam
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