Apple juice: 19 properties and benefits

Apple juice preserves all the benefits offered by apples in a powerful concentrate of vitamins and minerals. But it is also rich in “phytonutrients”, whose antioxidant effects have been successfully linked to reducing the risk posed bymany chronic and age-related diseases.

  1. Facilitates liver purification: due to the levels of alkalinity offered by apple juice, it helps in eliminating toxins produced by the liver while maintaining stable pH levels in the body. Furthermore, the pectin present in the peel of the apples promotes the digestive system.
  2. Promotes heart health: apple juice inherits all the antioxidants, polyphenols and flavonoids offered by apples. It also provides potassium, essential for the prevention of many cardiovascular diseases .
  3. Reduces cholesterol: Along with the many other benefits of apple juice it is important in reducing cholesterol levels. Excess cholesterol levels in the body are the main cause behind many cardiovascular disorders. Thus, one can strengthen oneself against such diseases by consuming an apple or its juice every day ( 3 ).
  4. Useful for asthma sufferers: one of the unique benefits of apple juice is its flavonoid content, very important nutrients in the prevention of asthma attacks, and useful for lung health.
    Several studies have shown an improvement in lung function in those who regularly introduced apples in their diet.
  5. Helps prevent Alzheimer’s disease: Researchers at the University of Massachusetts conducted research on guinea pigs, introducing a comparable dose to two glasses of apple juice on a daily basis for a month. The results were shocking, revealing a reduction in the development of beta-amyloid, a protein partly responsible for the development of Alzheimer’s disease.
    Shea who participated in the project commented: “These results offer yet another proof that links nutritional risk factors to the risk of contracting the disease itself. Reassuring that frequent consumption of apple juice can contribute positively to the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease, delaying some key aspects of the disease. “
  6. Makes bones healthy and strong: apples contain a number of indispensable nutrients that include but are not limited to vitamin C, iron , boron, which help maintain healthy and strong bone structure.
  7. It offers a solution for constipation:constipation is a serious health problem that occurs when the large intestine absorbs too much water. Apples contain sorbitol which offers a solution to this problem. When this substance reaches the large intestine, it draws water into the colon. In this way, it makes the stool softer and easier to pass.
  8. It makes the skin soft and keeps it supple: The apple juice brings to the body a large dose of vitamin C , responsible for the production of collagen, the protein that keeps the skin supple and soft. What’s more, vitamin C plays a very important role in helping us absorb iron.
    In case of deficiencies of the latter, the skin will certainly be affected by becoming even paler and duller. Vitamin C is present in many foods, even apple juice is an equally valid source.
  9. Effective against dandruff and also for wrinkles:
    Apple juice has wonderful benefits for skin and hair. It is widely used in natural remedies to treat skin related problems such as inflammation, itching, chapped skin and wrinkles. Applying apple juice for a few minutes to the scalp ensures the prevention of dandruff and other scalp disorders.
  10. Protects the eyes thanks to vitamin A: a sufficient amount of vitamin A is available in apple juice. This vitamin helps improve eye vision and prevent discomfort, which can occur in the eyes.
  11. It is a powerful thirst quencher and keeps us hydrated: apple juice is an excellent alternative to water, which should never be replaced. Apple juice can help keep us hydrated because the percentage of water is 219 grams per serving. Drinking water is essential for life, as many chemical reactions in our body need it.
  12. Reduces damage caused by degenerative diseases: In a balanced diet, scientists have observed that antioxidants contained in fruits such as apples, oranges and bananas can help reduce the damage some diseases can cause to the spine and nerve cells in the brain. Furthermore, studies have shown that men who take in large quantities of flavonoids (similar to those determined in apples), may be able to reduce the risk of Parkinson’s conditions.
  13. It helps the immune system: the good amount of vitamin C in apples improves the body’s immune system, as well as helping the body fight germs and bacteria.
  14. Supports the fight against the metabolic syndrome: the metabolic syndrome groups a series of factors that increase the risk for the condition of the heart and other problems such as stroke or diabetes. These include a large waistline, a high triglyceride level, a low “good” HDL level and high blood pressure.
    In a text released in 2008, Dr. Victor Fulgoni has successfully demonstrated that adults who regularly consume apples in their diet have 27% of metabolic syndrome. “We have found that adults who consume apples and apple products have smaller waistline, an indication of less abdominal fat, lower blood pressure and a reduced risk of developing what is known as the metabolic syndrome, “suggests Fulgoni.
  15. Contributes to cancer prevention: apple juice has shown an ability to help prevent certain types of cancer, including lung cancer. Flavonoids and phenolic acids have been shown to be effective in preventing the development of cancer and cancer cells. These compounds are readily available in apple.
  16. It’s a concentrate of antioxidants:antioxidants are very crucial for your body, driving back free radicals that are associated with many types of cancer and chronic problems. Apples had the second highest level of antioxidant activity compared to other fruits commonly consumed in the usual American diet.
  17. The type of apple makes the difference:research conducted by USDA researchers in 2004 examined more than 100 foods to calculate the concentration of antioxidants in each portion. They found that Red Delicious and Granny Smith apples placed at number 12 and 13 on the entire record.
  18. Improves the immune response and fights inflammation:apple juice has a whole class of compounds known as phytochemicals. These elements are plant compounds contained especially in fruits and vegetables they help protect the body in chronic situations, inhibiting cell proliferation and also improving the immune and inflammatory response accordingly.
  19. Quercetin in apple juice reduces the accumulation of cholesterol:
    The consumption of apples and apple juice helps to reduce the risk of heart attacks. A 2001 University of California study showed that quercetin in apples reduces the accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries and reduces the risk of heart attacks thereby.

Fresh or bottled apple juice? The difference in nutritional values

Many people who love to drink apple juice rather than eating the fruit directly. The nutritional value of apple juice is the same as that of a raw apple. Commercially available juices usually contain preservatives and added sugars responsible for reducing nutritional values. For this reason, fresh apple juice is clearly much better than the one already bottled at the supermarket, even if organic.

A serving of apple juice provides your body with high amounts of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. With zero cholesterol and a very low amount of saturated fats and sodium, apples are really ideal in most diets.

How to make apple juice: in 8 points

Before starting, it is good to keep in mind that over two, maximum three daily portions should not be exceeded when drinking apple juice because the benefits are not proportionate to the quantity. In addition to the possibility of incurring diarrhea and possible stomach acid.

1) Choice of apples based on variety

The luckiest of us may have a tree in the garden, or if they have the time and the chance they harvest wild apples in the countryside. Once harvested they must be stored in a cool, dark place, and prepare the juice as soon as possible.

As for quality, we recommend the following:

  • Fuji : it is typically the red apple, crunchy and juicy, ideal for its sweet taste.
  • Golden Delicious : apple with a green / yellow skin and a rather neutral taste, it is well suited if mixed with other fruits.
  • Granny Smith: bright green apple, not very sweet but very juicy, ideal with pineapple and other exotic fruits.
  • Ambrosia: a velvety fruit, really good for the preparation of juices, with the added advantage of oxidizing more slowly than other apples.
  • Pink Lady: tasty but slightly acidic with a hint of sugar.

2) Washing and cleaning

Now we can proceed to carefully wash the apples, then peel them, being careful to eliminate soft and ugly parts.

3) Cutting

Now, to make the juice it is not necessary to remove the core of the apple, any seeds will be eliminated later when we are going to filter the whole. Cut them finely.

4) Cooking

Put all the apples in a large pot or kettle and add about 2 inches of water. Cover the pot and cook at medium-high until the apples break down and become soft. We have learned that gentle cooking helps bring out the juices more effectively.

5) Sieve

Pour the cooked mixture into a sieve over a large bowl. With a spatula we press the whole on the sieve until you get as much juice as possible. Alternatively, a vegetable mill can be used.

6) Filtration

There are several ways to filter the juice, but you can easily do this through the use of a fine mesh strainer. You can filter the juice as often as you wish.

7) Sweetness

Transfer the juice of a clean dish and cook on low. Now it’s time to taste the juice. How is sweetness? If too bitter, add sugar to taste and blend until dissolved.

by Abdullah Sam
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