
Apiphobia. It is defined as a persistent, abnormal and unwarranted fear of bees or wasps . Apiphobia is also one of the most common zoophobias in childhood . Adults tend to better control these fears . The best way to help children is to provide them with knowledge and make them understand that their fears are basically founded.


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  • 1 Terms
    • 1 Api
    • 2 Apiphobia
  • 2 Fears
  • 3 Therapy
  • 4 Related Links
  • 5 Sources

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Api is a term that refers to beekeeping which is the cultivation of bees.


Apiphobia like so many other phobias , is a fear that appears in certain situations that we face in this case with bees. This fear or fear begins to be detrimental to our life when it limits us to do what we want.


Also known as melisophobia, the fear of bees or being stung by them is very common among people. Many people have been stung by a bee, or have relatives, friends or acquaintances who have suffered one of these stings. The sting is quite painful and the irritation it produces can last for several days, so a moderate fear of bees is quite natural.

An excessive fear of bees in adults is usually associated with a lack of knowledge. The general public does not realize that bees only attack to defend their hive , or by being accidentally crushed, and that a lone bee in the middle of the field does not pose a threat. In the United States , many of the stings attributed to bees are actually caused by wasps.


The best therapy that can be provided to apiphobics is educating them about these insects and showing them that bees are harmless and very necessary for the environment .


by Abdullah Sam
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