
Anthropophobia . It is the feeling of fear or fear of people or fear of people. This Anthropophobia is defined as the persistent, abnormal and unjustified emotion of fear of people or fear of unknown people.


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  • 1 Etymology
  • 2 Anthropophobia
  • 3 Diagnosis and Treatment
  • 4 Related link
  • 5 References


Anthropo is a term that refers to the human race. The science that studies the evolution of the human race is Anthropology .


Anthropophobia is a phobia that causes fear in people. It is also called social phobia, people phobia, society phobia or social anxiety. It is an anxiety problem . Those with this problem have an exaggerated feeling of shyness and inhibition . This phobia produces fear of communicating with people. Anthropophobia is mistaken for shyness, but it is much more than that. Invalid to live in community. This disorder is treatable. Shy people can end up with SAD ( Social Anxiety Disorder). Shyness and social phobia are not similar. Anthropophobia is the fear of the other. It is being allergic to people. Social anxiety is much more extreme than shyness.

This disease has different degrees. At a very high level, interfere much in everyday life (you can not do these things: perform tests , talk to people, ask for something, relate to others, work, out on the street , etc.). The cost of each of these actions entails a condition that often favors avoidance, escape or flight mechanisms. These people believe that there are people who constantly observe them and that third parties evaluate them. They are convinced that they have an audienceHe is constantly paying attention to him on the bus, on the street, in groups of friends, at home, in short, everywhere. They know that this is irrational, that it is not logical and that they are over-amplifying the criticism of others. The phobia of people limits and interferes in the daily life of those who have it.

Experts think that society phobics should focus on themselves – clearly knowing who they are and understanding that they have the right to be imperfect – to heal themselves. Relying solely on the opinions of others makes them totally confused. When the reviews are good, you get puffed up, and when they are bad, you get depressed. The overly sensitive person tends to value the opinion of others above their own and are very open to criticism and praise . They are very sensitive and can fall into extreme victimhood. They interpret the comments and the looks as an offense. Susceptible people are distrustful people, with low self-esteem , and that gives them the impression that they are enemies of the world. Your hypersensitivityIt isolates them from the world and makes them lose friendships and make it difficult for them to adapt to any company. They suffer a lot. Society phobia patients are very aware of the opinions of others. They seek approval and that causes them to ignore themselves. The people phobia patient confuses the hierarchy and thinks that what others think of him is more important than what he thinks himself.

Diagnosis and treatment

Social phobia is a chronic disorder that ruins and greatly diminishes the quality of life of those who have it. People with social phobia feel irrational anxiety when they have to go to places with one, several or many people and they try to avoid social contact by all means. When they are forced to do this (in banks , at university , at parties , in restaurants , in cinemas , in meetings , in stores , on the street, etc.) they feel symptoms that sometimes lead to panic attacks .

People who have social phobia can be cured of this disease with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), in its individual and group variants. It is important that they are carried out by well-trained personnel. In most cases , psychopharmacological treatment is indicated , which tends to achieve responses where CBT alone does not, in addition to shortening the evolution times . It requires the will of the person to get out of it and face situations that they would not normally face.

In certain cases, patients feel this fear only in new circumstances or in certain situations such as giving an exam or speaking in public. In other cases, the phobia is generalized and people who have a phobia of people avoid all social contact. They may be afraid to speak nonsense, to suffer intellectual decline in front of other people, to look bad if they speak, to stutter . This makes the patient avoid having social contact, which spoils his quality of life and generates a serious social and work disturbance.

These types of disorders generally begin in childhood or adolescence and can last a lifetime, up to death . Until now, this disease has not been diagnosed, since it is rare that patients consult a specialist for this disease and many times, a general practitioner does not recognize it as such. Anthropophobic people are shy and do not comply with schedules and social commitments. Sometimes they don’t want to earn more money or a promotion at their job because it involves more social contact. Social phobia is much more than just shyness.

This disorder tends to become pronounced over time. Left to its normal evolution and without adequate treatment, it can become chronic and result in depression . Treatment is carried out with specific medication and especially with group-type cognitive therapy.

The phobia of society is a very great insecurity when you have to do anything in the presence of people, whether they are friends, family, acquaintances, co-workers, strangers, etc. When the person is trusted, be it the parents, the wife, the husband, the children, the siblings, that fear and insecurity can be as great as when they are unknown. With everyone, it is such a great fear that those who have a phobia of people prefer to choose not to be or not to attend.

The anthropophobic usually wants to isolate himself from the world and live far from people. These people are very unhappy. They have an intense and persistent fear of social situations (or being in public) in which they are exposed to people or to evaluation by others. People have the impression of behaving in a humiliating way, which triggers anxieties, anguish and fear.


by Abdullah Sam
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