We have previously shared tips and tricks that can be used when playing the characters Gibraltar , Mirage , Lifeline , Bloodhound , Wraith and Caustic in Apex Legends. In this article, we were going to continue on the paved path and share with you tips and tricks that can be used when playing as a Pathfinder.



To introduce you to this hero, we thought we’d start by sharing its basic features. Pathfinder has proven to be a popular character, which can probably be attributed to his exceptional mobility.

Unlike characters whose focus is on offensive attacks, Pathfinder can not boast of any hard blows. Instead, he has a grip claw that is always close at hand and that can be used to move very quickly across the track.

When you play as a Pathfinder, you can fire grab clones on virtually any surface, after which you will be transported to this place in a flash. You could liken it to a cable car. This is also his tactical ability.

Even the character’s ultimate trait revolves around his grip claw. It is called the “Zipline Gun” and actually carries the same thing as the tactical feature. The difference is that the grapple can now be shot much longer at the same time as the cable car can be used by your teammates.

To learn more about Pathfinder, you can check out the trailer below:


Use your grip claw to surprise the enemy – A big advantage of Pathfinder’s grip claw is that it can also be used on the enemy. Slide it directly on an opponent to be quickly transported to him or go backwards while firing it to instead pull the opponent to you. Perfect for creating a surprise moment or eliminating a damaged enemy!

  1. Jump off before to take advantage of momentum – When you travel on the cable car, you have the opportunity to jump off at any time. A good tip is to jump off just before its end in order to take advantage of the speed that has arisen and thereby be able to move even faster. Something that can be beneficial if, for example, you have to flee from an intense firefight.

Take advantage of the short cooldown time – Some characters have a very long cooldown on their properties. That is, they can not be used too often. However, this is not the case with Pathfinder. Gripklon has a very short cooldown, which means that it can be used often. So do not be afraid to use it!

  1. Create ambush using a grab claw – Another great advantage of Pathfinder’s grab claw is that it can be used to surprise the enemy in an ambush. Look for remote / inaccessible places that you or your teammates can reach with the help of a grapple. Then wait for the perfect position to eliminate one or more opponents.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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