
Anartria . Language disorder manifested by severe loss of motor function of the oral-facial muscles; larynx , pharynx , soft palate , tongue and face fail to perform their function to articulate the phonemes of speech. Speech does not progress due to the severity of motor and oral involvement. It is the lack of total oral articulation. This disorder is often a form of evolution of another communication disorder (oral and written): Broca’s aphasia . Anarthria is the maximum expression of a dysarthria .


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  • 1 Causes
  • 2 Symptoms
    • 1 Diagnosis
    • 2 Treatment
  • 3 Complications
    • 1 Preventive measures
  • 4 types
  • 5 See also
  • 6 Sources


It can be any process or disease. Among the reasons:

  • acute or chronic cerebral circulation.
  • encephalopyosis, the cerebellum .
  • brain injury.
  • brain tumor , included. the cerebellum.
  • demyelinating diseases, accompanied by the disintegration of myelin (disseminated encephalomyelitis, multiple sclerosis ).
  • Industrial poisoning, heavy metal salts poisoning.
  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
  • syringobulbia: diseasecharacterized by the formation of pathological cavities in the brain stem, violate nerve impulses.
  • botulism .
  • Fazio-Londeix syndrome is slowly progressive inherited disease, manifests itself in dysarthria adolescence, violation of swallowing.


The affected person understands what is said to him, can read it, but it is impossible for him to pronounce the word he reads. You can also write the words, as well as indicate by hand pressure or any other sign the number of syllables contained in the word, but you have a lack of ability to pronounce: letters , words, and sometimes even sounds .


  1. .Collection and analysis of the situation, history of the disease (How long complaints have appeared to speech , thinning of the tongue muscles , inability to pronounce words, letters; If there are similar symptoms in the patient’s relatives).
  2. Neurological examination: checking glutocnogo, reflexes of the jaw , examination of the pharynx , identifying possible atrophy (thinning of the) muscles of the tongue, weakness of the facial muscles, facial asymmetry . It is also necessary to explore the presence of reflex hands, foot (to exclude concomitant neurological pathologies).
  3. .Otorhinolaryngologist inspection: study of the pharyngeal cavity, nose , larynx to identify pathological processes, may violate the pronunciation of words (injury, tumor);
  4. Speech therapy exam, includes the evaluation of expression, the existence of violations of timbre and rhythm of speech, difficulty with the pronunciation of sounds.
  5. .TC (Connecticut), Magnetic resonance imaging (MRT) heads: It allows to examine the structure of layers of the brain, identify the cause of anartria (for example, pockets of circulatory disorders, ulcers , tumor, pockets of dissolution of the protein of the base of the nervous tissue is myelin ).


  • Surgical removal of tumors, hemorrhage, abscess of the cranial cavity.
  • Antibacterial therapy.
  • Normalization of blood pressure .
  • Taking medications, improving brain circulation and metabolism.
  • Speech therapy classes: to correct an existing defect by using special exercises.
  • Physiotherapy : Magnetotherapy, the effect of ultra high frequency currents, acupuncture .


It leads to social interruption, job adaptation due to speech defect.

Preventive measures

  • Proactive family medical monitoring.
  • Visit the doctor in case of health problems.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle (regular outdoor walks, physical education classes, compliance day, night of sleep for at least 8 hours.
  • Give up bad habits (alcohol consumption, smoking).
  • Rational and balanced diet, eating high fiber foods.
  • Control blood pressure.


  • Spastic anartria: part of the pyramidal syndrome
  • Flaccid anartria: final motor neuron injury (bulbar cranial nerves, myasthenia, myopathy)
  • Ataxic anartria: cerebellar, cerebellar pathways, proprioceptive pathway
  • Anarthriakinetics: Parkinson’s syndrome; akinetic mutism
  • Anarthria hyperkinetic: by involuntary movements (tremor, chorea, athetosis, dyskinesias)
  • Mixed Anartria


by Abdullah Sam
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