
Amulet . It is an object to which protective properties are attributed against misfortunes, ills, diseases, accidents or misfortunes. This word comes either from the Latin “amuletum” (and this from “amoliri”, to move away or to separate) or from the Arabic “jamala” (to carry) and “jamalet”, which means object that is carried. This differentiates it from the talisman, which serves to attract luck and happiness by channeling very positive energies for its owner.

Amulets have their origin in a very primitive period, with stone, bronze , clay or leather being the first materials used, although others were later used.

Amulets can be used in different ways; you can wear them around your neck as pendants, you can make them hang from a bracelet, or you can get an object that has one of these talismans drawn on it (a cup, plates, glasses, an article of clothing) or a small home ornament that you have that way. The important thing is that it must be an exclusively personal object.


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  • 1 Story
  • 2 types
    • 1 Traditional
    • 2 Egyptians
    • 3 Asians
    • 4 American Indians
  • 3 Cleaning and charging amulets
  • 4 Sources


Since time immemorial man has felt the need for power. There are references to the existence of these objects for centuries, being already present in the primitive era where they have been reflected in a multitude of cave paintings. They say that in Ancient Egypt there was no man, woman or child who did not wear at least one amulet, much of it in the form of jewelry or ornaments in different shapes and forms. These beliefs have been transmitted from one to the other until today.

Ancient amulets have been found in Egyptian and Assyrian tombs which gives us an idea that fear in man has always been present. These early amulets consisted of engraved stone objects (agate, diamond, green jasper, amethyst, or coral), metal (bronze, lead, gold, or silver ) or other materials such as leather, clay, and pieces of plants or animal limbs.

Amulets of animal origin were much more valued because it was believed that part of the energy of their owner was transmitted with them. It became common to acquire gallstones, bezoar stones, a child’s first fallen tooth as long as it hadn’t touched the ground, or bones, teeth, feathers, skin, shells, scales, and fangs of exotic animals. There was the idea of ​​a certain immunity to the one who carried the amulet, which is based on the law of the similia similiabus: an animal or an evil force does not attack whoever carries a part of the life of that animal or that force.

The amulet acquired greater power if it came from a holy person, so during the Middle Ages there was an indecorous traffic in relics of a multitude of well-known and anonymous saints, with their hairs, nails, molars, kneecaps, and bone splinters that delighted both from its sellers as well as its buyers, because we must not forget that the multiplying effect of faith made true “miracles”.

There were so many objects that specialties were created within the wide world of amulets. Due to their shape or content, some were used to cure some type of disease and others to find work. Some to have a good delivery, others to chase away a storm or get rid of a problem.

Amulets and talismans are part of human knowledge. Faith in the power of these objects is absolutely universal, as are their manufacturing rites. They defended and protected both individuals and entire localities.

The Greeks said that the Trojan Paladium was a protective talisman of the city. Palladiums were statuettes that were meant to protect the city from fire. Many great ancient cities such as Rome and Venice were protected from wild animals by talismans strategically placed on their perimeter.

Today there are many amulets and magical elements that have been used for the same purpose: to attract good luck and chase away the bad wishes of a person, a house or a town. There is a whole rosary of this class of objects worthy of appearing in an ethnological museum. According to the regions, it is spoken of horns of unicorns, charms, scapulars, phylacteries, Basque kutuns, molars of San Cristóbal, payrolls, alectora stone, milk stone ; etc.


The most common amulets are a rabbit’s foot , precious or semi-precious stones, a clover, or a volcano stone . It can be carried in a pocket, tucked inside a cloth bag sewn to clothing, in a pendant, as a bracelet , etc., depending on the type of amulet it is.

A classic amulet is the four-leaf clover. They are very rare; therefore, when one is found, it is interpreted as a symbol of good luck. Each of its leaves means each of the factors that make up happiness: health, money, love and social success or popularity.




Mighty Hand


Fatima’s hand


OM symbol

Since ancient times there are a number of objects that are already known as “naturally” amulets. These are undoubtedly the fruit of the experience and popular knowledge of countless towns and regions around the world.

  • Rabbit’s foot : It is said to be native to Galicia ( Spain ). Carrying it hanging or as a keychain is good luck, but it should be white.
  • Horn of plenty : It is a wicker basket shaped like a cone or horn, which is filled with fruits, vegetables and sometimes with gold coins. It is said to bring abundance and prosperity to the home. Similar to the Pot of

Abundance. It is placed at the entrance of the house.

  • Cruz de Caravaca : Originally from Caravaca (Murcia-Spain), there are several books about her with spells and prayers. It is protective against the evil eye and evil spirits. It should be washed and loaded with holy water.
  • Angels and bells : Angels are protectors of people and homes. Its presence promotes harmony and peace. They can be called by ringing a bell.
  • The elephant : With the trunk upwards, it is an effective amulet of attraction of good fortune or luck, being

also protector from negative influences. As an amulet, it is ideal to secure the goods obtained. Elephants symbolize teamwork and good community functioning. Therefore, if you have a partner, do not hesitate to have an elephant shaped amulet at work.

In addition to protecting his work environment, the elephant is a suitable figure to benefit the family. In this case it is good to have an ornament in the home. That amulet will be the guardian of family plans. It will not allow money to evaporate and will help you invest money well and be lucky in gambling.

  • The owl : Provides personal attraction and intuition. Having an amulet with this figure can help you

favorably resolve all kinds of money related issues. If you are about to conduct a somewhat risky business, always carry an owl charm with you. That will enhance your intuition.

  • A little frog : The frog figure attracts goods and money. For a long time, that animal was associated with magic.

Legend has it that if a frog jumps inside a house, it bodes well. It should not be scared away, but let it go on its own. Remember that it attracts goods, so if you are thinking of acquiring a property, a car or a plane ticket, it is essential that you enhance your luck with a frog amulet. The frog will drive away negativity and will give your projects a good channel.

  • The Dolphin : It is indicated to attract luck in meetings or conversations that we are going to have to achieve something.

This power is granted to him, because according to they say, he is the most communicative animal that exists. It is usually put in houses or offices so that dialogue reigns.

  • La Herradura : Home protector and energy catalyst, absorbs positive energy and diverts or neutralizes

negative energy. It hangs behind the door with the points down and must have holes for seven nails, used and found casually.

  • La Tortuga : They transmit positive energy, especially if they are small. They ensure long life and tranquility. For business they are safe but slow luck.
  • La Luna : Especially suitable for young people and women. It has to be given away and they are usually in the form of a pendant. Protection symbol.
  • Laurel : Western in tradition, it cleanses negative energy and turns it into positive energy. In its natural state it

They put leaves behind the front door of the home or where everyone who wants to access the house has to pass.

  • The Key : Many and very diverse qualities are granted to it. The best is the oldest, which says that it achieves relaxation and opens the door of the heart of the person who receives it as a gift. It must be of noble metal.
  • OM . The Holy Syllable: Hindu sacred syllable, the most sacred syllable of the Vedas, symbolizing God.

heaven and relieves her from earthly cares and men’s affairs. Healing of deep wounds caused by earthly affairs (loss of money, heartbreak …)

It guides the wearer on a safe path and helps him to make the right and correct decisions. Open the doors of inspiration and intuition, because it connects the wearer with his inner God. It facilitates access to the most remote places of the brain, and access to the innate inner wisdom that we all carry in our hearts.

  • Mighty Hand : The Higa also called Figa or Mighty Hand. Its shape is that of a closed hand, showing the thumb between

index and middle fingers, indicating contempt and protection against impending evil. Amulet to ward off the evil eye, it is also used against envy and jealousy and as protection against disease. In the past, mothers used to put the Higa (made in jet) next to newborns. Protective amulet of Spanish origin but which eventually spread to different parts of the world adopting different names.

  • The Hand of Fatima : Protect from all evil by stopping with the palm of your hand all the negative influences that may

arise, and the all-seeing eye will bring us health, love, and good luck. This amulet of Islamic influences (Fatima was called the favorite daughter of the Prophet) is the only one tolerated by the Islamic authorities and used in Kitba rituals. By itself the hand is a symbol of Shariah, Islamic law, since it has five fingers but all are subject to the unity of the hand, which serves as their base. Each of these fingers represents a fundamental commandment of Islamic law that complement and acquire the sense of oneness of God. Belief in Allah, in the prophets, the angels, the Koran and the final judgment, – Prayer five times a day, – Tithe or alms, – Fasting in the month of Ramadan – The pilgrimage to Mecca There is also a Jewish version called the Hand of Lilita and one of Christian influences called the Hand of Mary.


Udyat , the eye of Horus


Sacred Scarab


Ankh , the cross of life

The Egyptian civilization was one of the largest and most prosperous in the world even long before the birth of Christ. The Egyptians, like the Aztecs and Mayans, were great astrologers and magicians, and their civilization was intimately tied to magic and religion. For all these reasons, a whole range of magical objects, amulets, talismans, etc have reached our days.

  • Udyat, the eye of Horus : It is one of the best known amulets in the Egyptian world. It is dedicated to

Memphis Sun god Horus protector and omnipresent. Horus’s eyes are one white and one black, representing the Sun and the Moon. It represents the eye that sees everything and protects us from everything bad, therefore, it is used as an amulet in pendants and beads. It also favors clairvoyance and the projection of objectives.

  • Sacred Scarab : Linked to the god Jepri , it symbolizes the rebirth of one’s existence, the

transformation and evolution, that is why it was included in burials. Protector against evil and symbol of life and power, the sacred scarab is present in almost all Egyptian motifs. With a magic spell engraved on the back. Indicates long life and fertility. It has to be given and engraved to release its influences.

  • Ankh, The Cross of Life : Symbolizes life and fertility. It is the triumph of life over death. It is closely linked to the goddess Isis, wife of Osiris and mother of Horus. It is the symbol of eternal life. It is used as a charm of health, fertility and good life.
  • Ureo, the cobra : Ureo was the protective cobra of kings and pharaohs; it was considered very powerful and was worn as an amulet on the royal crown and on royal emblems.
  • Anubis : Represents the god of the beyond, of the other world, souls go to his domain after physical death. It is represented by a guardian with the head of a dog, wolf or coyote . Having an amulet with your image provides a safe “journey” after death.


Symbol of happiness




Chinese coins


Maneki-Neko cats

From Asia countless amulets come to us due to the vastness of the continent and the wide variety of cultures and peoples that inhabit it. Of all Asia, the best known amulets and talismans are perhaps those of Chinese origin; and this is almost certainly due to its great commercial empire in Europe .

  • Buddha : Protective figure who enjoys great

popularity and is granted great power. Attracts wealth and abundance. It has to be chubby and coins are offered.

  • Symbol of happiness: Like

Its own name indicates that it brings happiness to the home, therefore, it must be hung somewhere clearly visible inside the house; For example in the salon.

  • Chinese Coins: Attract

money and fortune, 3 coins are usually carried together with red ribbon inside the purse. This will help us to never be short of money.

  • Color Red Vs Yellow: In

Chinese superstition, red is the color of money and good luck. That our purse is of this color will favor us when it comes to making money. Instead, unlike in the West, yellow is the symbol of power, so the emperor was always dressed in his own “imperial yellow”.

  • Cats-Maneki Neko: They are originally from Japan and depending on the leg they have raised, they attract

visits to the trade (left leg) or attract money and prosperity (right leg). Originally they are made of ceramics although the popularity achieved in recent years has led them to be made of different colored plastics, especially gold.

Depending on the color, its function varies : – Green : Home security – White : Business luck – Blue : Fulfill dreams – Red : Success in love – Gold – Gold : Economy – Pink : Choosing the person to marry – Black : Avoid bad luck and increase happiness

  • Monkey and horse: The monkey is used to achieve wisdom. If we put a figure of a

monkey riding a horse we will promote our success, recognition and fame.

  • Dragon: Chinese symbol par excellence, represents strength, power and love.
  • Jambhala: Amulet

Indian representing the powerful magician and alchemist blessed by the gods with fortune, power and love. If worn as a pendant and ordered in faith, it provides whatever is asked of it.

American Indians

Dream Catcher

From the many American Indian peoples and tribes such as the Canadian, North American, Mesoamerican Indians (such as the Aztecs and Mayans), and South Americans, we obtain their most important amulets.

  • Dreamcatcher: The main function is

that of filtering and catching bad dreams and nightmares on the net, letting only positive and pleasant dreams pass. Its manufacture is relatively simple, consisting of a willow wood ring and with a loose network inside, it is decorated exclusively by its creator. The only common element in all of them are feathers as fringes.

  • Fringes and tassels: they are a very important element in many tribes and towns

from all over the world and the reason is this: there is a belief that fringes and tassels do not like evil spirits at all because they entertain and distract them. For this reason they are used worldwide in clothing for people, animals and home decoration, in jackets, saddlebags, rugs, curtains, etc …

Cleaning and loading of amulets

Cleaning and Charging Charms Various methods are used in practice to clean and charge charms and talismans. Use the one that interests you the most.

  • Cleaning with water: Keep the amulet under a stream of running water or place the amulet in the rain; the longer it stays there, the better the effect.
  • Cleaning with soil: Wrap in a cloth and bury, leaving it underground for a long time.
  • Cleaning with amethyst: Place the amulet overnight in an amethyst inlay.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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