Alternate row color, the guide to better table query

Depending on the type of Numbers calculation time that we are working on, we may need an overview. One, however, in which we do not get confused between the different lines. Fortunately, the app offers us to apply an alternate highlighting to facilitate reading and easily locate ourselves in the correct position within the data.

Alternate row color, the guide to better table query

As we can see in the image below, there is a big difference between using the alternate row color and not using it. It will depend a lot on the type of document that we are preparing, without a doubt, but in most cases it can help us a lot to distinguish a specific line without, when reviewing it with our eyes, we can end up in the top or bottom row by mistake.

Using Numbers we can customize each individual table to use an alternate row color or not, and also customize that color according to our preferences and needs. The steps to make this adjustment on our Mac, after opening the Numbers app with the document in question, are these:

  1. We select the table that we want to modify.
  2. We touch the button in the shape of a brush in the upper right to show the settings.
  3. We enter the Tabletab .
  4. We mark or uncheck the option Alternate row color.

That easy. In addition, just to the right of the adjustment we can touch the predefined color to change it to another that seems more appropriate according to the data that we are representing. On the iPhone and iPad we can also adjust this behavior. The steps, again with the document already open and ready, are as follows:

  1. We select the table that we want to modify.
  2. We touch the button in the shape of a brush in the upper right to show the settings.
  3. We enter the Tabletab .
  4. We activate or deactivate the option Alternaterows .

In the case of the iPad, however, it is not yet possible to choose the color with which we want to highlight the different rows. Something that, if we need to, we will achieve by synchronizing the document, for example through iCloud, from our Mac.


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Being able to distinguish the different rows of a Numbers table reducing the risk of misreading its data is, without a doubt, a small but important function. Remember that, as it is an automatic effect, if we delete, reorder or edit in any way the content or distribution of the table rows, they will continue to be shaded alternately. One more convenience when using Numbers on our devices.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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