All about Instagram Superzooms

Did you know that you can use Superzoom on your Instagram stories? The Instagram Superzooms arrived to give a touch of creativity to our ephemeral content.

Although it is true that we use Instagram Stories filters more now , it was at the end of 2017 when 3 superzooms arrived on Instagram and we got hooked on them.

Those first superzooms with 3 effects were called Bounce, Beats and TV Show. A year later, the effects were extended to the current 10.

Here I explain what are the Instagram superzooms and how to activate them.

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  • 1- What are Instagram Superzooms
  • 2- How to Superzoom on Instagram
  • 3- The 10 Superzooms of Instagram Stories
  • 4- Don’t you see the superzooms of Instagram Stories?

1- What are Instagram Superzooms

Instagram Superzooms are effects with filters and sounds that zoom in and/or zoom out on the Instagram Story image.

They can be a lot of fun if you know how to use them in the best situations. Do not forget about them and differentiate yourself from other Instagram accounts.

2- How to Superzoom on Instagram

Do you want to start using Instagram Superzoom ? Don’t know where they are or how to make them? Here I explain how:

  1. Open the Instagram app.
  2. Access Instagram stories.
  3. In the lower area, slide your finger until you find the Superzoom tab.
  4. Now you will see that icons such as exclamations, fire flame, a cross, heart or stars appear above the superzoom button.
  5. When touching, you will see above how the name of the superzoom changes. Choose the one you want to use
  6. Press the super zoom button to start recording and release your finger to stop recording.
  7. You already have your new superzoom. Share it with your followers.

Remember that you can save the Instagram superzoom to your phone’s roll to use it on other social networks.

3- The 10 Superzooms of Instagram Stories

  1. Hearts: slow zoom inwhere hearts appear and the image is filled with pinkish colors. The music that plays in the background is sexy, like seducing your followers.
  2. Fire:more than zoom, it is a filter where fire flames come out to the sound of rock music. You can use it in hot situations to further emphasize the sensation.
  3. Nostalgia: slow zoom inwhere leaves fall while the image turns greyish. The music that plays in the background is sad, for situations of disappointment.
  4. TV Show – A slow zoom ineffect that creates a purple filter with stars and 80s TV music.
  5. Dramatic:The effect zooms twice while dramatic music plays. Perfect for situations that are scary or stressful.
  6. Beats: Superzoom effect moves to the sound of electronic music in the background. Perfect for moments of party and fun.
  7. Paparazzi:Superzoom that imitates the photographs that a paparazzi takes of the people they want to photograph. Perfect to feel famous in 15 seconds.
  8. Surprise:Instagram superzoom where surprise sounds play and a comic strip image is created.
  9. No!:superzoom that marks with a red X what you want to highlight as a negative situation.
  10. Rebound: effect that imitates a spring with its characteristic sound. The zoom goes back and forth very fast.

4- Don’t you see the superzooms of Instagram Stories?

If you’re having trouble using superzooms on Instagram Stories because they don’t appear, there’s only one option left: wait.

Instagram is an application that is adding new functions in a scaled way. Just as other social networks offer news to all of us on the same day, Instagram does not.

Personally, it has happened to me that until a few weeks ago I did not have access to long IGTV videos and to add music to my stories with the music sticker.

There is nothing you can do but wait until the social network wants to remember you and activate superzooms in your Instagram Stories.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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