Alexander Kluge

Alexander Kluge. Film director and writer who, throughout his life, also studied law , history and music . He is considered to be the founder and promoter of the so-called “ New German cinema ”, a movement that allowed breaking with conventional works to make room for auteur cinema. In 2003 he received the Georg Büchner Prize , considered the most important literary award in the German language.


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  • 1 Biographical synthesis
    • 1 Professional career
  • 2 Awards
  • 3 Filmography
  • 4 Source

Biographical synthesis

He was born on 14 February as as 1932 in Halberstadt , a German town near Magdeburg , Germany . He studied law, history and music at the Universities of Marburg and Frankfurt am Main, and received his doctorate in law in 1956 . During his student days in Frankfurt. He was a friend of the philosopher Theodor Adorno , who had returned to Germany from the United States and was a professor at the Institute for Social Research, the central institution of the so-called Frankfurt School.

Career path

Advised by his friend, the creator of ” Learning Processes with a Deadly End “, ” New Stories: Notebooks 1-18″ and ” Chronicle of Feelings “, he began, in parallel to his work as a writer, some research on the seventh art that aroused in him a strong desire to become a filmmaker, an activity that led him to produce and direct around twenty films. In several of these projects, the multifaceted director worked together with Fritz Lang , a director of Austrian origin who remained in history as one of the main creators of film noir.

Due to his personality, the characteristics of his works and his commitment to the Oberhausen Manifesto, Kluge is considered to be the founder and promoter of the so-called ” New German cinema “, a movement that allowed breaking with conventional works to make room for auteur cinema .

” Battle description”, “The artists under the circus tent: perplexed” and “The hole left by the devil ” are other titles that are part of the literary production of this talented German author .


Throughout his career, he has accumulated various awards, among which we can mention the prestigious Georg Büchner Prize , a recognition granted annually by the German Academy for Language and Poetry .


  • Occasional work of a slave / Gelegenheitsarbeit einer Sklavin, 1973, direction and script.
  • Abschied von gestern
  • Die Artisten in der Zirkuskuppel: ratlos
  • Die Unbezähmbare Leni Peikert
  • Der Große Verhau
  • Willi Tobler und der Untergan der 6. Flotte
  • In Gefahr und größter Not bringt der Mittelweg den Tod
  • Der starke Ferdinand
  • Deutschland in Herbst
  • Die Patriotin
  • Krieg und Frieden
  • Der Kandidat
  • Die Macht der Gefühle
  • Serpentine Gallery Program
  • Der Angriff der Gegenwart auf die übrige Zeit
  • Vermischte Nachrichten
  • Der Eiffelturm, King Kong und die weiße Frau
  • Mann ohne Kopf
  • Im Rausch der Arbeit
  • Abschied von der sicheren Seite des Lebens
  • Liebe macht hellsichtig
  • Die siamesische Hände
  • Krieg ist das Ende aller Pläne
  • Woher wir kommen, wohin wir gehen
  • Freiheit für die Konsonanten
  • Grenzfälle der Schadensregulierung
  • Das Kraftwerk der Gefühle
  • Dinsterlinge singen Baß
  • Die poetische Kraft der Theorie
  • Alle Gefühle glauben an einen glücklichen Ausgang
  • Nachrichten aus der ideologischen Antike


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