
Alektorophobia . It is defined as a persistent, abnormal and unwarranted fear of chickens .


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  • 1 Alektorphobia
  • 2 Causes
  • 3 Symptoms
  • 4 Treatment
  • 5 See also
  • 6 Sources


This phobia is usually restricted to live chickens and chickens, but can sometimes extend to eggs or cooked chickens. Many times, people with this phobia believe that chickens are not benign, but conspiratorial and willing to attack the man, always having an eye on you when being around them. They are afraid to attack a chicken for fear of retaliation these animals might take.


Some reasons that explain alektorophobia include the fear of being pecked, or being attacked by several hens, it can also be related to the habits of hens and chickens such as eating worms , or defecating within their own nest . The fears generally imply relative closeness to live chickens and generally do not include cooked chicken. The reaction occurs when a person sees a hen up close, but it can also occur when talking, thinking or even watching cartoons with chickens, or drawings of dead chickens or hens.


The symptoms of alektorophobia can be similar to other phobias, where fear seems to be cause and effect, this is how terrible feelings of fear begin to appear, dizziness , nausea , shortness of breath , excessive sweating , dry mouth , feeling sick, rapid breathing , heart palpitations , fear of death , loss of control, anxiety attack , among others. As is the case in other types of phobias, alektorophobia presents an intense fear of something that does not represent a dangerHowever, the mere idea or direct stimulus can lead to deep anxiety and panic attacks. The causes may be related to the person’s past, and the unconscious mind reacts through a defense mechanism.


The treatment to deal with alektorophobia, generally includes a talk therapy , where sometimes the sessions can become extensive, this generally helps the person since if they are with a good therapist, the alektoróphobus may feel that they have been heard for the first time in his life. The so-called energy psychology , a relatively new method, is beginning to be very efficient as it has shown speed, safety and long-lasting results.


by Abdullah Sam
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