Alan Robock

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Alan Robock
Birthdate 1949
Place of birth  U.S
Home  U.S
nationality American
Field Environmental sciences
Known for the theory of the ” nuclear winter “

Alan Robock. American Climatologist. Professor in the Department of Environmental Sciences at Rutgers University , New Jersey . It advocates for nuclear disarmament . He is a lead author of the IPCC , and was a member of that organization that was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize . He confirmed the ” nuclear winter ” theory , together with a team of prestigious American and Russian researchers. He presented the 14 of September of 2010 in Havana , Cuba findings of their studies in an impressive conference, attended by the Commander in ChiefFidel Castro where he warned about the extreme danger of the nuclear weapon . According to this study, even the most modest atomic exchanges would be enough to produce effects of the same order as the little ice age or the year without a summer. The study also suggested that altering the temperature of the stratosphere , even in this case, could have serious consequences on the flow of gases, and in particular considerable reductions in the ozone column . The use of the Russian and American arsenal would lead to a temperature drop comparable to or possibly more pronounced than an ice age , perhaps for a decade .


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