Adolfo Perez Esquivel

Adolfo Perez Esquivel. Argentine artist and pacifist leader, Nobel Peace Prize winner in 1980 . He studied architecture and was a professor of sculpture at the University of La Plata. He won several awards in recognition of his artistic work in 1942 and 1956 .


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  • 1 Biographical summary
    • 1 Studies
    • 2 Work history
  • 2 Recognitions
  • 3 Publications
    • 1 Articles
  • 4Premios
  • 5 external links
  • 6 Fountains

biographical synthesis

He was born in 1931 , in Buenos Aires , Argentina . He is of Galician descent, since his father was born in Combarro, in the Pontevedra town of Poio ( Spain ).


He studied at the National School of Fine Arts and at the National University of La Plata , where he was trained as an architect and sculptor . Later he became a professor of architecture . For 25 years he taught in primary schools , secondary schools and at the university , in addition to working as a sculptor.

work history

In the 1960s, he began working with Latin American Christian peace groups. In 1974 he decided to quit his teaching job and was elected general coordinator for a network of Latin American communities to promote the liberation of the poor through Nonviolence .

He joined a movement of followers of Mahatma Gandhi in 1971 . He founded the newspaper Paz y Justicia in 1973 , giving rise to a movement of the same name, which spread throughout the American continent and of which he was secretary in 1974.

In 1975 , he was arrested by the Brazilian military police; he was imprisoned in 1976 in Ecuador along with Latin American and US bishops , and in 1977 , in Buenos Aires , he was arrested by the Argentine federal police , tortured and held without trial for 14 months.

He was a member of the executive committee of the Permanent Assembly for Human Rights . Before the military coup of Jorge Rafael Videla in Argentina in 1976 and with the subsequent repression, he contributed to the formation and financing of links between popular organizations to defend human rights and support the relatives of the victims of the dirty war .

The ” Peace and Justice Service “, which he founded, evolved in this context and served as an instrument for the defense of human rights promoting an international campaign to denounce the atrocities committed by the military regime.

He continued his work traveling through most of the countries of Latin America , the United States and Europe , denouncing the serious human rights crimes in the American continent . He was received by parliamentarians from various European nations. Thanks to his initiative, criminal proceedings were initiated against the Argentine military dictatorship in Italy , Spain and Germany .

Since 2003 , he has been president of the honorary council of the Latin American Foundation for the Service of Peace and Justice and of the International League for Human Rights and the Liberation of Peoples, based in Milan , Italy, and a member of the Permanent Court of Peoples. He is a member of the Honorary Committee of the International Coordination for the Decade of Nonviolence and Peace .

Since 2004 he has been part of the international jury of the Nuremberg Human Rights Prize, which every two years awards a prize to organizations or individuals that stand out in the promotion and defense of human rights in the world , even at the risk of their own life .


While his imprisonment lasted, he received, among other distinctions, the Memorial of Peace from Pope John XXIII .


He has published the books :

  • Walking Alongside the Town1995 )
  • A drop of time
  • Crónica entre la Angustia y la Esperanza( 1996 ), in which he reflects on the importance ofhistorical memory and recounts his experience with the non-violent struggle in Latin America .

He is also the author of numerous articles on current international politics , which have been translated into languages ​​such as German , French and English .

In all his works, he exposes the situation of domination suffered by Latin America under the command of Globalization . Thus, denunciation and art are intermingled, leaving us visible the true panorama of the less “developed” countries .


  • information pollution.

September 2 , 2010 .

The life of the people is subjected to environmental impacts, to the auditory and visual contamination of words and ideas, it is to impose the monoculture of minds. Technological advances are often used to control the media and thus condition and manipulate the people. No information media is aseptic, but they must be based on ethics and values ​​at the service of the people and not use them. Read more…

  • Useless heroesand wars to nowhere.

October 25 , 2009 .

The dead of the invading countries are counted , but nothing is said about the dead in the invaded nations and the resistance of Afghans and Iraqis. The thousands of deaths of women and children are silenced , the populations devastated by the destruction and looting by NATO of the heritage of humanity and the resources of those two countries. Read more…

  • President, it is urgent to release the Five.

October 12, 2009.

In Latin America it is urgent to end the immoral and unjust blockade against Cuba that has lasted almost 50 years, the release of the five Cuban prisoners in the United States and allow the visit of their relatives who for 10 years have not obtained a visa to be able to see their loved ones, which violates humanitarian law. Although his declarations are hopeful, it is necessary to concretize them in practice. Read more…


He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1980 for his fight for human rights .


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