
Acropolis . High point, which over time, this area became the nucleus from which urban growth was developing. Thus cities like Athens or Rome were born , which was the result of the unification of seven towns located on their respective hills. It was a great center of worship, located at the top of the city of Athens, where the Greeks venerated their gods and celebrated the events that occurred in their history.


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  • 1 Etymology
  • 2 Settlement of the primitive settlers
    • 1 Best known acropolis
  • 3 Important acropolis
  • 4 References
  • 5 Bibliography


Etymologically “city on top”, as it is located at the top of the city. This place is (although it has been deteriorated by its time and by the hand of modern man) full of statues and figures on its walls that represent all kinds of scenes from Greek mythology.

Settlement of the primitive settlers

With the intention of having a better defense, the primitive settlers located their settlements in natural elevations of the terrain, preferably with steep edges. [one]

Due to the privileged situation, the acropolis used to house the most emblematic buildings, such as temples or meeting places ( agora ), and in them the personalities of the city met or important events were held.

Best known acropolis

The best known acropolis is the Acropolis of Athens , which includes the Parthenon in honor of the goddess Athena. Other famous Greek acropolis are those of the city of Aso (in present-day Turkey) or that of Pergamon , although the acropolis of other cultures are also famous, such as the acropolis of Bratislava or that of Constantinople .

Important acropolis

  • Acropolis of Athens
  • Acrocorinth , Acropolis of Corinth


by Abdullah Sam
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