How to create Secure Notes on Mac using Keychain Access

One software often overlooked by Mac users is the Keychain Access utility . The utility in question allows you to securely store passwords and automatically enter them when needed, allowing you to easily search for them when needed. The Keychain allows you to store passwords and account information and reduces the number of passwords the user can remember and manage.

When we log into a website, email account, network server, or other password-protected item, macOS asks whether we want to remember the password or save it in a keychain. If you choose to save it, it is stored in your keychain. This way we won’t need to remember or enter it every time. We can also take advantage of long and complex passwords: the Keychain will remember them for us, without having to worry about their complexity.

Create notes protected with KeyPain Access

A little-known feature of the Keychain Access utility is that in addition to allowing you to store passwords and view information about digital certificates (for verifying the identity of websites, servers, and other entities, it also allows you to store secure notes. To create a note protected, just choose “New protected note” from the “File” menu, write the title and text of the note and press “Add”.

To view the contents of a note, just open the Keychain, select “Protected Notes” in the toolbar, double-click the note of interest and the “Show note” option. After entering the Keychain password, the note will be shown.

Password protect notes on the Mac Notes app

On Mac it is possible to protect your notes directly in the Notes app: just start the app, choose “Preferences” from the “Notes” menu, in the “Protected Notes” section choose “Set password” and enter a password. In the Notes app, you can protect individual notes by right-clicking (or the equivalent combination with the trackpad) and selecting “Protect Note”. Protected notes are recognized by the presence of a small padlock icon on the left of the note. To remove the password just choose “Remove protection” with the right mouse button (or equivalent combination with the trackpad).

At this address our tutorial on how to protect files and folders with a password. For all the other tutorials made by the macitynet editors, we refer you directly to this address .

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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