Heartburn Recurs During Fasting: Causes, Prevention, & How To Overcome (Complete)

Stomach ulcers recur during Ramadan fasting often due to diet changes from the usual day. Generally, heartburn during fasting can be caused by certain conditions due to increased levels of acid in an empty stomach while holding hunger and thirst. This condition can certainly disrupt the smooth worship of fasting. Besides that, what are the causes of ulcers? Read the full explanation of the causes, prevention, and how to overcome them below!.

Causes of Recurrent Ulcer during Fasting

Ulcer is a condition that causes discomfort due to inflammation in the inner lining of the stomach. This condition is usually caused by various factors, such as food.

Here are some things that cause stomach ulcers to relapse during fasting:

1. Eating too much when Sahur and Open

The first thing that causes ulcers when fasting that is often unconsciously done by Muslims is overeating when breaking the fast and the meal. Usually, this is because hunger eyes see food, causing a lot of appetite.

These bad habits can increase the risk of triggers dyspepsia and acid reflux in people with gastritis or gastric ulcer disease. When the stomach is empty, then eat a lot immediately when breaking the fast makes stomach acid rise. This condition makes the stomach continue to work and ultimately cause injury to the stomach wall.

2. Skipping Sahur

Indeed getting up at dawn is quite difficult because it still feels sleepy, but it must be forced to wake up to eat dawn. If it is not sahur, it is likely to trigger an ulcer relapse during fasting, especially for those who have a history of acute ulcers.

Remember! The stomach will empty for a whole day or for 14 hours until the time to break the fast. So, don’t miss the sahur time.

3. Sleep immediately after Sahur

A habit that is often practiced by Muslims is to go to sleep immediately after dawn because of drowsiness or asleep while waiting for dawn prayers. In fact, this can cause heartburn to relapse during fasting.

In addition, sleep immediately after dawn can also cause acid reflux (increased stomach acid into the esophagus), nausea, and even vomiting.

According to the sunnah of the Prophet SAW, how to run Ramadan fasting is to “end the meal and hurry fasting”. This means sahurlah when approaching the time of Ruling and immediately cancel the fast when it is time to break the fast.

Sleeping immediately after dinner also causes ulcers. This is because the lying down position makes digestion not smooth.

4. Eat Triggers Food Ulcer

The cause of stomach ulcers during fasting is often caused by certain foods consumed during dawn and breaking the fast. Ulcer triggering foods include fried, spicy, hot, fatty, and acidic foods (such as oranges, lemons and tomatoes) because they tend to irritate the digestive tract.

Canned or processed foods, especially tomato-based products also trigger ulcers. Processed foods with a long shelf life usually have a lot of chemicals, including preservatives which can ultimately worsen gastritis or peptic ulcers.

5. Drinking Trigger Drinks Ulcer

Apart from food, certain drinks can also cause stomach ulcers to recur during fasting, including coffee, tea, and cola (carbonated drinks). These three drinks can trigger stomach acid to rise.

The drink is also a natural diuretic that can stimulate the body to urinate frequently which in turn causes dehydration or lack of body fluids.

6. Smoking when breaking and breaking the fast

Ramadan fasting requires Muslims to resist hunger, thirst, lust, and even smoking. Speaking of smoking, this is also one of the causes of heartburn recurrence when fasting, you know !

In addition to causing ulcers, one of these bad habits can increase the risk of triggers dyspepsia and acid reflux for people with gastritis or peptic ulcers.

7. Late Iftar

Late breaking fast or deliberately postponing it also results in an ulcer relapse. This is usually felt for those who are on their way or are stuck in traffic. This condition makes the stomach empty longer and ultimately develops the risk of increased stomach acid.

Even if you only drink when breaking the fast because you are traveling, you may be at risk of developing an ulcer by allowing the stomach without food to arrive at its destination.

8. Eat immediately when breaking the fast

Fasting all day is indeed thirsty and hungry. This is what makes a person lust to immediately eat heavy when breaking the fast. Though eating directly when breaking the fast can also cause stomach ulcers due to digestive shock and not ready to accept heavy food.

Also Read: Ulcers: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Medications, How to Prevent, etc.

How to Prevent Ulcer during Fasting

Preventing ulcers when fasting should basically avoid a number of causes of ulcers that have been described above. As for how to prevent heartburn during fasting, including:

1. Always Sahur

Although still sleepy to wake up at dawn, force it to wake up and eat at dawn to prevent ulcers from recurring during fasting. It’s best to do the meal at the end of time before the Ruling.

2. Don’t Sleep After Sahur

It has been explained before that sleeping immediately after dawn can trigger stomach acid to rise. That is why, do not immediately go to sleep after finishing dawn. If you want to go back to sleep, wait an hour first.

3. Breaking on time

Since delaying iftar can trigger stomach acid to rise, hurry to break the fast. Drinks and foods that are recommended when breaking the fast is drinking a glass of water and dates to restore body fluids and energy lost during fasting.

Keep in mind, dates are foods that are used to break the fast. Not without reason, dates contain natural sugars as a source of energy.

4. Eat a small portion when breaking the fast

When breaking the fast, eat smaller portions, but more often. For example, start with dates and snacks before sunset prayer. While eating the main dish can be eaten before the tarawih prayer. Remember! Eat enough and don’t eat too much huh.

5. Stop Eating 3 Hours Before Sleeping

Another tip to prevent stomach ulcers from recurring is to stop eating three to four hours before going to bed at night to give the digestive system adequate rest. Therefore, you should reduce your meal after tarawih prayer.

6. Avoid foods and drinks that cause ulcers

How to prevent stomach ulcers from recurring should avoid certain foods, such as fried foods, hot, spicy, and contain acids because they tend to irritate the digestive tract.

Also avoid canned or processed foods because these foods have a long shelf life that usually has a lot of chemicals, including preservatives.

7. Avoid smoking

As much as possible avoid smoking when breaking or sahur because it triggers ulcers and acid reflux dyspepsia for those who suffer from gastritis or peptic ulcers. This method also prevents certain cancers, such as cancers of the lungs, throat, mouth, cervix, and other diseases caused by smoking.

How to Overcome Ulcer When Fasting

Heartburn symptoms can be overcome by lifestyle changes, healthy eating patterns, and taking medication if the condition is classified as severe.

The following are some ways to overcome heartburn during fasting:

1. Drink lots of water when breaking and breaking

This one method is very important so that the body remains hydrated during fasting. Drink lots of water when breaking the fast to prevent the body from running out of fluids that unconsciously evaporate through breathing, sweating and urinating. So, drink about two liters or eight glasses from when breaking until dawn.

In addition to water, liquids can be obtained from foods that contain lots of water such as fruits and non-acidic fruit juices. Drinking a glass of fresh milk at dawn is also good for those who suffer from gastritis and peptic ulcers.

2. Eat foods that make satiety longer

Foods that are high in carbohydrates at dawn keep you full longer because carbohydrates are digested more slowly in digestion. Of course this is one way to deal with heartburn when relapsing and at the same time prevent the risk of heartburn.

Apart from rice, dates are a source of sugar, fiber, carbohydrates, potassium, and magnesium which are very good for the body. Bananas are also a good source of carbohydrates, potassium and magnesium.

Not only the element of carbohydrates, high-fiber foods also make full longer. A number of foods that have lots of fiber, including fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains.

Also Read: 9 Symptoms of Ulcer and How to Overcome It Which Has Been Proven Effective

3. Reducing Stress

Create a relaxed environment when eating a meal or breaking the fast. It functions to practice relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga.

Spending time doing things that you enjoy can reduce stress. Resting enough sleep can also help.

4. Medicines

Apart from lifestyle changes, how to deal with ulcers during fasting can use certain medications that are prescribed to overcome the symptoms of ulcers, gastritis, and peptic ulcers. These drugs include antacids, proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) or proton pump inhibitors, and H2 antagonists.

Some types of antacid drugs can be obtained without a prescription, but the last two must be based on the advice of a doctor to adjust the dose and time according to the patient’s needs.

If you use these drugs for a long time, you should consult with your doctor about the changes needed, for example, dividing the dose to optimize the effects of the drug.

That he explained about the causes of ulcers relapse during fasting, prevention, and how to deal with ulcers when fasting. If you experience symptoms such as persistent nausea and vomiting, bloody vomiting, or bloody bowel movements, as well as experiencing severe pain in the stomach, seek medical help as soon as possible yes, Healthy Friend!


by Abdullah Sam
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