9 Advantages of using a Web Activity Management System

Digital transformation and cloud computing are not projections for the future, it is the present knocking on companies’ doors. That is why technology needs to be, more than ever, a strategic business partner and needs to act to optimize the processes of all departments. Activity management, for example, is one of the processes that need to undergo this optimization, after all, it directly affects the work of all employees. And for that it is possible to hire an activity management system.

A web activity management system is nothing more than software in the cloud (that is, that can be accessed by the browser itself) and that is all part of managing the activities of a team, such as: control of those responsible for activities, deadlines delivery, activity related materials, activity status and more.

Are you curious? Follow our text! We will tell you the main advantages of hiring an activity management system to improve your team’s work routine.

8 Advantages of using a web activity management system


1 – Remote access

A web activity management system (or in the cloud) allows all employees and managers to access the software remotely, without relying on the software being installed on a computer to monitor activities or even a series of printed papers.

Most online activity management software also allows the employee to access the system through applications, or on the tablet or cell phone browser, which greatly facilitates the lives of teams who work remotely or even managers who often travel a lot. They also need to manage team tasks remotely.

2 – Collaborative work

In web software for activity management, it is possible to have a more collaborative work dynamics, as the members of the work team can simultaneously cooperate on the platform and, in the case, for example, of a change in some activity, the team members are notified instantly, allowing them to organize in time to execute what was requested.

3 – Cost reduction

Companies that offer software in the cloud usually offer full support to new customers, assisting in the implementation and adaptation for use of the system, which saves the company on hiring separate support or even having to rely on IT to do this procedure.

In addition, instead of having to pay an expensive license for desktop software, with software in the cloud the company will pay only a small monthly license.

4 – Information security

Information security is a very important issue when we talk about software in the cloud, as many companies feel vulnerable when storing all information related to their activities on the Internet because, after all, it will be subject to cyber attacks or other types of information leakage. .

However, these information security issues will depend a lot on the software vendor, who must be a company of experience and trust in this matter.

But even with these fears, managing activities in a web software is still much safer than managing it in a spreadsheet, for example (which can be lost at any time, whether due to an accident or computer problems) or even what to do everything physically – on sheets of paper – (which can also be lost).

5 – Faster

Imagine if every time you want to perform an activity you have to search for information in a folder on your computer or on offline papers. Complicated, isn’t it? With web software, it is much faster to access all this information and do other things, such as delegating activities, for example.

6 – Productivity

With speed, of course, productivity improves too. If previously employees had to spend a lot of time trying to find information related to activities, now access is faster and information will be centralized, so employees will know where to find everything and, of course, they will be more motivated to do the job.

7 – Focus on what really matters

Another advantage, also related to the productivity of employees, is the fact that they are able to focus on what really matters, since now the team stops wasting time solving problems about the management of activities and starts to effectively perform these activities.

8 – Facilitates the manager’s work

As we told you before, the team manager will have full control of the team’s activities, knowing who delivered what, what are the responsibilities of each one, which are the delivery deadlines, and much more. Thus, when an employee is overloaded, for example, the manager can redistribute tasks with just a few clicks.

9 – Reduces risks

Finally, one of the advantages of managing a team’s activities through web software is risk reduction.

These risks are related to the loss of information, which, because they are stored on the Internet (and not on a hard disk or on paper) are more safely retained, and also on the non-performance of any activity, since these software allow (the at least) that the manager appoints those responsible for each activity. Thus, the people involved will know what to do and who should do it.

Artia, our activity management software, has all the features for you to manage your team’s activities in the cloud and also has an integrated kanban system and time recording by activity.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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