8 Tips to Reduce Sugar in Your Diet

Sugar out of your diet can be a difficult task . In this post we propose some tips to make it much easier than you had imagined.

How harmful is sugar?
Let’s not exaggerate either. As Paracelsus said, it is the dose that makes the poison.

Our ancestors used almost no white sugar or sucrose. They were content with the taste of peach or a handful of strawberries. But from the 50s, little by little, it became the king of kitchens, added to tea, sprinkled in fruit salads … but the issue becomes more complicated when the industry begins to add it hidden in packaged products, including salty ones.

Today, sugar is found in bacon, smoked salmon, mustard, salad dressings, sliced ​​bread … it’s everywhere (blatantly and hidden).

During the last half century, the per capita consumption of added simple sugars has tripled, going from 10 to 30 kilos a year. This means that sugar accounts for 17% of daily energy. WHO advises total caloric intake from sugar to be between 5% and 10%. This disaccharide is added to practically everything, basically for five main reasons: it gives color, texture, facilitates fermentation in products such as vinegar or yogurt, works as a preservative and, of course, adds flavor.

As Paracelsus said, it is the dose that makes the poison.

The risks of this excessive consumption have names: diabetes, cavities, overweight and obesity.
Next, we are going to give you the guidelines to reduce sugar in your diet, and eat in a healthier and more balanced way.

  1. The reduction of sugars should be gradual. The brain considers sweetness a reward. Eliminating it abruptly is configured as a punishment, which is very likely to lose interest.
  2. Getting used to not sweetening anything,or almost nothing, beverages such as coffee and tea, gradually dispensing with sugar.
  3. Do not think that natural alternatives to sucrose, such as maple syrup or stevia , can be abused . When natural sweeteners are used, the palate is not reeducated, only the calories are momentarily avoided.
  4. Consider sodas with sugar as an exception. Never put them on the table instead of water. Carbonated drinks are loaded with sugars and do not provide any nutrients. Zero calorie versions do not help to distance yourself from sweet flavors.
  5. Gradually limitenergy-dense industrial products , such as cookies, muffins, candy, cupcakes, ice cream, and spreads.
  6. Watch out for breakfast cereals, theycan be an orgy of glucose syrup and the like. A little trick to switch to sugar-free cereals is to start mixing them in increasing quantities with the flakes we like.
  7. Find recipes, alternative dessertsmore healthy than classic.
  8. Learn to satisfy the sweet tooth with healthy food: fresh fruit, dehydrated fruit, dark chocolate (more than 70% cocoa), etc.
by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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