8 tips to help you wake up early

Are you the one who woke up late? You feel like it can’t be fixed. Waking up didn’t want to get out of bed When the alarm sounds, you turn it off and continue to sleep. Are these things making you feel disappointed in yourself? If so, then you want to change it. We want you to read this article because we have some tips to share.

Getting up early is what makes you more productive. If you wake up an hour faster than before, you can do many things without any rush. And as you can see, most successful people wake up early. Because it is one of the key factors that make them successful, well, let’s take a look at what you should do if you want to get up in the morning.

1.Wake up just a minute faster than before. (And do it continuously every day)

The right start is gradually Adjust the time to wake up Let’s say you wake up at 8 a.m. regularly. But your goal is to be able to wake up at 6 am, and you will have to adjust the time little by little.

You usually set the alarm at 8, but you want to wake up at 6.

Let you start by changing the time to

  • 59 (on the first day)
  • And 7.58 (on the second day)
  • And 7.57 (on the third day)
  • And 7.56 (on the fourth day)

And keep doing this Until you reach the goal you want

This method may take a long time. But it’s better to take time to change your habits than not start doing anything, right?

2. Motivate yourself with small achievements.

You don’t need to be too rushed. If you want to wake up 2 hours earlier, what you should be doing is not to force yourself to wake up 2 hours earlier. But you need to adjust the time little by little by waking up half an hour earlier. If you do it, take it to the next step. This kind of step-by-step success will motivate you to transform. Because there is a huge chance that it will fail in case you are in too hurry. And that might be frustrating for you.

3. Do it along with your partner or partner.

You try to agree with your friend or girlfriend to wake up at the same time. This method works because getting up in the morning becomes your responsibility. If you can’t, it means that others will be disappointed in you. It also has a history. Because if you have something important to do in the morning (That is, waking up early with someone else) your body will automatically wake you up.

4. Adjust the environment to make you wake up more easily.

Can be done in several ways such as

  • Put the alarm clock far away So you can get out of bed to put it out.
  • Set a timer for the coffee maker. When you wake up, you will be able to drink coffee immediately.
  • Keep the curtains open The sunlight will make you want to wake up more.

Find the method that works for yourself.

5. Solve problems That can’t make you wake up early

You need to figure out what is the problem that prevents you from changing yourself, for example, if you sleep too little and you don’t want to wake up. Or is the room too cold that you don’t want to get out of bed? You have to solve these problems first. Otherwise, you may not be able to complete this mission.

6. Find a reason to wake up early.

If you have a good reason to wake up early You will get out of bed without reluctance. Many people want to wake up early because they want to improve themselves. I want the time in the morning to be meaningful If you find it important Then stick to it as a reason And don’t forget, it has to be a reason you enjoy doing it. Don’t put pressure on yourself for inappropriate reasons.For example, you don’t like running at all, but you want to wake up early to run. Like this doesn’t work much

7.Track your progress

Try using the calendar to help you out. For example, if you wake up early that day Leave a mark Do not wake up on any day. And you will have to try to have as many consecutive symbols as possible. It will allow you to see your progress. And not easily discouraged You don’t want the change in your habits to be inconsistent, right?

8. Do not tell yourself that you are not an early riser.

We divide people into two simple types: those who wake up early. Spend most of the day With people who spend a lot of time during the night, you first need to refute the idea that you are not a morning person or that you cannot. This change of thinking will help you not give up trying to wake up early.

Remember that getting up early is a practice. Your body has to keep adapting. And if you do it successfully, your life will change a lot. You can get more done. And live more life. Okay, it’s not too late to start now!


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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