8 Main Habits of Productive People

Talking about productivity, there will be no end. Especially along with the times, the greater the challenges we face to make our lives productive. Often with various technological developments that exist, it does not make us productive and can make good use of time, instead what happens actually ‘disrupts’ our main activities.

When reading history, I find many surprising things related to how productive the ancient scholars were. Ibn Taymiyyah, for example, was able to complete one book in one week. Where from these books were used as references by 1000 authors. Abu Ishaq asy-Syairazi, throughout his life produced 100 volumes of books. Imam Ath-Tabari, a historian and expert commentator, never calculated how many works were produced during his life. Apparently, it is known that from the time he was of maturity (adulthood) until he died, he wrote no less than 14 pages every day.

Knowing these histories sometimes embarrasses me. Isn’t it true that with the progress of the times, we should be far, far and far more productive than the previous people?

It should be. However, the times often make our lives have so many choices. Where these choices are often a distraction ( distraction ) to our main life goals. Starting from the choice to respond to various opportunities that appear suddenly, friendship with new people, the choice to strive to continue to exist in cyberspace, and various other choices that make life unproductive.

Then, how do we have a productive life in today’s fast-paced era? One of the ways that we can use is to replicate the habits – habits ( habits ) performed by them productive. Celestine Chia,  founder of Personal Excellence,  examined 8 habits of productive people in modern times that we can use to increase the productivity of our lives.

The 8 habits are,

  1. Focus on important things. Productive people try to make the best use of their time by doing the things that are important. Important things are marked when we do this, it will have a big positive impact (added value) and get closer to the dreams we want to achieve.
  2. Allocating Wife Time Strategically. Productive does not mean working without stopping. They also attach importance to resting time for their body and mind. One method that can be used is the pomodorotechnique  Where they work focus within 25-30 minutes, after which they take a break for 5-10 minutes. In short, there are 1-2   short breaks per hour they work. In addition, in a week they do 2-3  exercises  to keep their bodies in shape
  3. Eliminate Distraction. Productive people strive to keep their lives focused, so that they reduce distractions that could interfere with their productivity. For example, turning off social media notifications during work hours, fixing a slowed computer to be more responsive, and so on.
  4. Work with Heart to Produce the Best. Productive people always decide to give their best work, because every work that is produced is a unique work, the first and the last one made at that time. They work with their hearts to produce the highest quality.
  5. Makes (Little) People More Difficult to Contact. If your main job is not related to communication activities, then you can use this method. In an era of open communication, we are often ‘disturbed’ by various kinds of emailnotifications  , sms, whatsapp, missed calls  that we might not want. What I usually do, generally is ‘schedule’ when I open my  phone  and reply to messages (so not all the time). For  calls,  other than people I know, I have to make an appointment to call first. Or, I delegate it to my manager  to  let him respond to the call. 
  6. Optimizing  Time Pockets Time  pockets  is the term in which we have free time between two events  Examples of time bags are when we are waiting for someone, are on a trip, walking from one place to another, and so on. I usually spend the time I get on the  commuter line  by reading books or watching  video  That makes my 45 minutes of travel time more value-added compared to my silence.
  7. Set a Timeline over the Target. Productive people are accustomed to setting targets for completing all their work. Yesterday, my wife and I met a relationship coach (Indra & Nunik Noveldy). He challenged us so that by the end of March we could finish the book manuscript, and even didn’t hesitate to ‘fanfare’ on Facebook. I understand what it means, by being set like that, whether we want it or not, like it or not, we will try to complete our task.
  8. Familiarize Delegation or System Automation. Today’s technology has developed rapidly, it’s time for us to use it to help our lives. An example is this blog is equipped with newslettertechnology  Where those who decide to subscribe will automatically get the  latest article updates  to  their email  . With this newsletter  technology  , I save a lot of time without the hassle of manually sending  emails  to visitors to this blog. Some of the things that I automate also are  automatic sharing  of this blog to  social  media that I have. So, when this article was released, I didn’t have to bother  sharing on my  social media  one by one.

Apart from studying the habits  of these productive people, you can also learn from my ebook , SimplyProductive . SimplyProductive ‘s e book  that you can download for free. Have you downloaded it? If not, please click the following lin

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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