There is always a ready-made phrase that we hear with some frequency, it does not give much importance, but that, deep down, there is its truth. I was always warm, and when something didn’t go the way I wanted it, I kicked and threw myself on my mother’s bed, as if that were going to solve something. And then someone once told me that anger is a poison that we even take in hopes that it will hurt someone else.

It was not a phrase that seems to open a portal to heaven in direct connection with celestial creatures, but it made me think a lot about anger, hatred and so many bad feelings that, from time to time, take care of our insides and do us harm. Even today, when I feel angry, I also feel a kind of impotence, after all, I am usually angry at what I cannot solve. The Huffington Post has published a series of actions that can help us get rid of anger quickly – I’ll try them all. Try you too:

1 – Practice physical activities

Don’t get me wrong, but sometimes, after a crisis of anger and hatred and after punching innocent poor pillows and knocking out folded blankets, we feel relief. This is because, like any other feeling, anger and hatred manifest through our bodies through energy, electrical discharges.

When we are furious, our muscles become more tense and our mind only thinks about fighting, screaming, knocking out the first person who passes by and so on. Avoiding discussing and making important decisions during times of anger is crucial, and one way to get back to your normal state is to move around a little.

If the issue is a problem with the gym itself – completely understandable, don’t blame yourself – look for other ways to move around: walk, buy a bike, clean your house, take dance lessons. Exercising is important because, in this way, your body releases hormones that can make you happy in life, which ends that anger quickly.

Transform anger into motivation

Even Father Fábio de Melo, who deeply understands human issues as well as religiosity, feels angry from time to time, so you, a mere mortal, have every right to feel it too. The point is not to feel, but what you do with all that anger. When I was a child, I would throw myself on the bed and rub my head against the mattress, as if that would be able, suddenly, to bring Xuxa to my home in his nostalgic ship. In fact, after so much crying, I got tired, got up and was going to do something.

In more adult and realistic perspectives, we must think of hatred as a potential factor for change. Hate does not make us comfortable, and detesting something in your life from the depths of your soul causes you to end up solving the problem sooner or later. If you hate college or your job, for example, use that hate to think about how to change the situation. Hatred bothers us, and sometimes it is a nuisance that we need to get out of sameness.

Watch something fun

Today I am really using my life as an experience, and this is one of the things I love most about my work, including. In my case, laughing is fundamental, and I am lucky to have some friends who make me laugh and with whom I can talk about any nonsense. Sometimes that’s what we really need: talk more nonsense, do a Friends marathon, read a series of chronicles by Mario Prata. Anything goes.

Laughter relaxes the body and, on top of that, it is something that improves our immune system and releases endorphins, which is a wonderful substance that gives us the feeling of well-being. If your beach is more musical, bet on more lively styles. It could be Diogo Nogueira, Anitta, Avicii, Xuxa (yes, second quote from Rainha dos Baixinhos in the same text, but Xuxa is very good), Naldo … It can be anything you want.

Redirect your focus

You do a job, whatever it is, and ten people will praise the result, they will say it was done well, that you deserve an Oscar, a Grammy and a Nobel Prize, but suddenly, a person comes up and says he found your bad job.

At night, when your head lays on the pillow, you will think about what: the compliments of several people or the criticism of just one of them? Critically, if you’re like most humans. Then the way is to do a mental exercise initially complicated, but promising in the long run: change the focus and, basically, stop seeing what is irritating you. Instead, see the good things in your life – at least one must have.

Make a list of the coolest things that have ever happened to you and write down all your achievements, big, medium and small, for example when you broke an egg without piercing the yolk and filling it with micropellets of shell. Focusing on achievements and positive events will make your anger go away easy, easy.


I am angry when I am told to meditate, and the worst of it is that not only do people tell me to meditate, but I am a person who writes about the benefits of meditation often. It turns out that, from reading, writing and listening to the subject so much, I ended up giving a chance to the said whose, and look … it works.

The practical basis of meditation is basically to close your eyes, sit comfortably in a peaceful environment and pay attention only to the air that enters and leaves your lungs. In this way, thoughts calm down and, of course, anger and the desire to explode the world are leaving the body to which they do not belong. Meditating is almost like resetting the mind. It is worth it from time to time.

 Do something productive

Here the business works in a similar way to the exercises. It is a matter of channeling energies into something positive. It could be tidying up your bookcase, doing some gardening work, cleaning your makeup box, tidying up your kitchen cabinets …

Always remember that anger is a type of energy, so just apply that energy to something that brings something positive, not to an argument or a more serious fight

Put on paper

This one I know works – cof, cof. The truth is that writing is a really therapeutic exercise that helps us to let out feelings and thoughts that, at times, we didn’t even know were inside of us.

Have a notebook and write down everything that comes to mind. You don’t have to worry, you won’t show it to anyone, you won’t publish it on Facebook or Twitter – unless you want to, but we’re talking about deeper things, which we don’t easily disclose.

Doing so will help you clear your mind and calm your spirits without having to take your piss off someone. After writing everything on the piece of paper, pull the sheet out of the notebook and set it on fire – safely, please – or tear it up into tiny pieces. This is a symbolic way of pricking anger.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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