50 Examples of Antithesis

The antithesis is a type of rhetorical figure that tries to express an opposition. Your goal is to highlight an idea by mentioning its contrast. For example: Sweet bitterness. 

The term is of Greek origin and comes from anti , which means “contrary” and thesis , which means “opinion”.

This rhetorical figure is widely used in poetry , but it is also used in philosophy to oppose two points of view, two opposing people or ideas.

On the other hand, the antithesis is also embedded in the daily routine of all human beings. For this reason it is said that the human being is contradictory or generates antithesis at every moment.

  • It can serve you: Simile , comparison

Examples of antithesis

Bad good
strong weak
rich, poor
bitter sweet
sweet Sour
day Night
female – male
moon Sun
Love and hate
The silent sound
Dark light
Warm cold
Freezing heat
The sweet bitterness of your strawberry lips
Silent singing
The goodness that hurts
The lying truth
The deaf song
The beating of the dead heart
The talk of the mute

Examples of antithesis in poetry / music

In writing (literature) this rhetorical figure is used to guide or give an orientation (in a certain aspect) to the reader.

  1. Love is so short and oblivion is so long.
  2. When I want to cry, I do not cry. And sometimes I cry without meaning to.
  3. This love deeper than the sea, can reach the sky and continue.
  4. You have to look at the rose for its beauty and its thorns as well.
  5. Children go for the sun and women for the moon.
  6. The worst loneliness is feeling alone with someone else.
  7. Cold like the wind, dangerous like the sea, sweet like a kiss.
  8. Give me freedom or give me death.
  9. My rest is to fight.
  10. I try to forget you and without wanting to, I remember you.
  11. Fine roses are usually born between thorns
    and beautiful flowers thistles are born ,
    and in pots of
    fragrant carnations. (Cristóbal de Castillejo)
  12. I watch when you sleep; I cry when you sing; I faint from fasting when you are lazy and discouraged from sheer fed up.
  13. My harness is the weapons
    my rest, the fight
    my bed, the hard rocks
    my sleep, always watching.
  14. Eat to live or live to eat.
  15. Work to live or live to work.
  16. The cold of your mind warms your heart.
  17. The faster you run, the slower you will go.
  18. This warm winter.
  19. The rain moistens the street but dries my soul.
  20. The ice fire.
  21. Before the vice of asking, there is the virtue of not giving.
  22. There are loves that kill.

Examples of antithesis in philosophy

  1. Faith and reason
  2. Atheism and religion
  3. Leftism and rightism

Examples of antithesis in popular sayings

  1. I’m an atheist, thank goodness.
  2. It was a lucky misfortune.
  3. You are like the rose of Alexandria. It opens at night and closes during the day.
by Abdullah Sam
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