5 exercises you should do in the morning

There are plenty of reasons to exercise regularly , no matter what time of day you choose to exercise . However, if you have a flexible schedule, experts recommend practicing early. Training first thing in the morning has long-lasting, positive effects throughout the day.

In addition to being “a great relief for any tension in the body,” as famous fitness expert Ridge Davis points out, “exercise helps build endurance and the ability to handle stress. The less stress, the more energy for the whole day ”.

Since feeling mentally and physically drained isn’t high on anyone’s to-do list, it makes sense to get moving early.

“Being active has a huge impact on mental health by boosting and improving mental clarity and judgment,” adds Magdalena Cadet , a board certified rheumatologist at NYU Langone. “Exercise helps the body make feel-good chemicals (endorphins), which can stimulate parts of the brain, help distract from anxiety, and build confidence.”

Beyond increasing energy and reducing stress, morning exercise also has many benefits for both internal and external body functions, such as stimulating metabolism. Also, it can improve sleeping habits.

” There are studies that suggest that early morning workouts can change a person’s cycles so they are more awake in the first few hours, resulting in better quality of sleep,” Cadet explains. Research concludes that the best time to exercise is 7 a.m.

Committing to a morning exercise routine is an achievement in itself, and the best way to do it is to do something that you enjoy. Physical activity should not be taken as a punishment. Here’s what experts suggest to do:


Before beginning any exercise, Mateo recommends stretching “the quads, hamstrings, hips, shoulders, and triceps. The best thing is to complement it with some cardiovascular movements, such as jumping jacks or running with one foot, to get the heart rate up ”.

The tree pose to activate the legs

According to yoga and meditation instructor Kristin McGee, the standing yoga pose known as Vrikshasana , or Tree Pose , is the perfect starting point for exercise. This pose “promotes balance and stability in the legs and trunk,” explains McGee.

To execute it correctly, “you have to start by standing with your back straight, your shoulders relaxed and both feet together (ankles and internal points of the foot touching),” he says.

“Once firmly on the ground, you have to shift your weight to your right foot, lift your left foot, bend your left knee and place your left foot on the inside of your right thigh,” he continues.

When the legs are in a stable position, the arms can remain in a prayer position in front of the heart or they can be raised above the head. McGee advises those with less balance to “place your hand on the wall or on a table to support or keep your foot lower, on the ankle.” The pose should be held for five to ten breaths and then repeated with the other foot.

Downward Facing Dog

Another perfect yoga move is the downward facing dog pose . McGee is a fan of this exercise for its ability to “stretch and strengthen the entire body.” This movement also “gets the blood flowing to the brain, which is great for waking up,” he explains.

As its name suggests, the posture is very reminiscent of the way “a dog gets up from a nap, when it stretches its whole body in a nice arc,” explains McGee. Humans can mimic movement by starting on all fours, keeping the wrists aligned with the shoulders and the toes bent (on tiptoe).

As you exhale, push your hips up and stretch your legs (try to place your heels on the floor). Next, you have to gently push upwards while moving your shoulders away from your ears.

Dead Bug to prevent back pain

Davis loves to practice the move called Dead Bug. This exercise helps “to strengthen the core muscles, the abdominal girdle, and prevents injuries in the lower back,” he explains.

The movement is best done on a padded mat. “You have to lie on your back with your knees bent, your feet flat on the ground and your arms stretched out along your body.” Keep in mind that “the main objective is to keep the lower back firmly pressed against the floor,” he adds.

Once in the starting position, you have to raise your arms to shoulder height and your hands in front of each other. Exhale and box your legs, then slowly lower your right arm straight back and left leg straight forward until they are just above the floor . Practice an inhale, bring them to the starting position and repeat the entire movement with the opposite arm and leg. The ideal is two or three series composed of five repetitions on each side.

Squats to improve mobility

” Squats are one of my favorite exercises, especially in the morning,” says Cadet. “They help improve mobility while working the ligaments and connective tissue. Squatting can also help your joints, ”he adds.

They are not valid for everyone. “People with knee, back or hip problems of any kind should avoid squats or consult a professional,” Cadet advises.

Adopting a correct form is the key to obtaining results. Start with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. “The hips and ankles should be facing outward,” Cadet explains. The knees should never pass the line of the toes (it is the butt that goes back) and the legs should be kept no more than shoulder-width apart.

Getting the torso in a vertical line straightens the posture and makes the movement more functional. Then, with your thighs parallel to the floor, you have to tighten your abs and push your butt back.

Beginners should hold the position for five seconds and do 10 to 15 repetitions. Extending your arms forward, picking up a light weight, and trying to sit even lower helps with resistance training.


by Abdullah Sam
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