3 life lessons we learned from Elijah

Elijah was a great prophet of God, who performed several miracles. But he was not the superman. Elias was a person like you and me. He trusted God and did His will and God used him to do great things! We can also be used by God, like Elijah.

life lessons we learned from Elijah

We can learn several important lessons from Elijah’s life:

1. Prayer has power

James 5: 17-18 shows that Elijah was a normal person but he knew that prayer has power . He prayed fervently and in faith and God answered his prayer! The Bible says that when we pray in faith and according to God’s will, He will answer our requests.

Prayer brings intimacy with God. Elijah prayed a lot, so he became very close to God. God answered Elijah’s prayers and He also answers our prayers. If you want to see the power of God in your life, pray!

See here the story of the prophet Elijah.

2. Depression has a solution

Elias’ life was not always easy. After the great victory over Baal’s priests, Elijah had to flee the wrath of Jezebel, who wanted to kill him. Elias was so depressed that he even wanted to die! ( 1 Kings 19: 3-4 ) But after an encounter with God, he regained the spirit of living.

Depression is not the end. Just as God helped Elijah to recover, God can also restore the life of those who are depressed. After his depression, Elijah’s ministry continued strongly. Trust God, sadness will not last forever!

See also: can a Christian have depression?

3. God sustains

Elijah learned to trust God completely. While he was hiding from Ahab, God miraculously supported him with the help of crows ( 1 Kings 17: 5-6 ). God also supported a very poor widow who helped Elijah, making his flour and oil multiply ( 1 Kings 17: 15-16 ).

All sustenance comes from God. In the most difficult times, when we don’t know where we will find sustenance, we can trust God. He does not abandon those who love Him. When we dedicate ourselves to God’s will, He gives us what we need, even when the situation seems impossible.

Elias’ life may seem very different from yours, but these three life lessons are valid for everyone. The same God who acted in Elijah’s life can also act in yours!

Creating a tabular guide with life lessons learned from Elijah can be a thoughtful and meaningful task. Here’s a simple format you might consider:

Life Lesson Description Example from Elijah’s Life
Faith in Adversity Trusting in higher power or inner strength during tough times. Elijah’s unwavering faith during his challenges, like the drought in Israel.
Speaking Truth to Power The courage to stand up for what’s right, even against authority. Elijah’s confrontation with King Ahab over his misdeeds.
Humility Recognizing one’s own limitations and relying on others or a higher power. Elijah’s realization of his limitations and reliance on God for strength.
Persistence Continuing steadfastly despite difficulties. Elijah’s persistence in spreading his message, despite opposition.
Being a Mentor Guiding and teaching others. Elijah’s role as a mentor to Elisha, passing on his wisdom and experience.
Hope and Restoration Believing in the possibility of change and betterment. Elijah’s role in the restoration of true worship in Israel.

This table format allows for a clear and organized presentation of the lessons, their meanings, and specific examples from Elijah’s life that illustrate each lesson. You can expand, modify, or detail this table according to the specific lessons and examples you want to include.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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